Exosomes are formed by the endocytic budding of the cell membrane, producing an intra-luminal vesicle that is loaded with a particular cargo. Then, in an endosomal complex required for transport (ESCRT)-dependent or -independent pathway, this multivesicular body fuses with the plasma membrane, ...
In terms of electronic structure, absorption spectra, light harvesting capability, and free energy changes, the designed DTBC-TP is a promising candidate dye sensitizer for DSSCs. Keywords: porphyrin derivatives; dye sensitizers; electronic structures; excited state; density functional theory...
Photoredox nickel catalysis has emerged as a powerful strategy for cross-coupling reactions. Although the involvement of paramagnetic Ni(I)/Ni(III) species as active intermediates in the catalytic cycle has been proposed, a thorough spectroscopic investi
than in the mesopelagic waters, despite the fact that remineralization of nitrogen is more intensive in the epipelagic ocean. This lack of investigation stems from the recognition that ammonia oxidation is inhibited by light17and the abundance of ammonia-oxidizing archaea is relatively low in the up...
However, combining moderate to large amounts of AV fat with monensin (tradename: Rumensin, R) could increase the risk for milk fat depression (MFD), whereas it is not known if diets supplemented with coconut oil (CNO; rich in medium-chain FA) with R would cause MFD. In a 6 × 6 ...
Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox)5 is a major process in the biogeochemical nitrogen cycle, and it is estimated to be responsible for 50–70% of the yearly loss of fixed nitrogen from the ocean to the atmosphere as N2 (1, 2). In this process, chemolithoautotrophic bacteria convert ammo...
Nitrogen-rich, heterocyclic energetic ligands play a key role in improving thermal stability, detonation heat, and density. Additionally, they have nitrogen gas as the main detonation product. Potassium-based modern primary explosives 3 As a substitute for lead-based primary explosives, energetic ...
164R. WESTAC14H10both in argon matrices at ''l0K and in hydrocarbon glasses at liquid nitrogentemperature (6). The silylene, prepared by photolysis of the cyclic compound(Me2Si)6, is indefinitely stable in hydrocarbons at 77K. We have since foundthat photolytic generation of silylenes is qui...
1. A process for reducing a nitrogen oxides content of exhaust gas from an internal combustion engine, comprising: treating exhaust gas in an electric gas discharge such that at least one of nitrogen dioxide or nitric acid is formed from nitrogen oxides contained in the exhaust gas; storing the...
SERS peaks of CO nanotags in the optical interference-free window. Source data are provided as a Source Data file. Full size image It is well known that the CO band position often correlates with the electron density donated to the CO π* orbitals, which is the π-donor ability of the ...