The Oxford Illustrated History of the British Army.Mallinson, Allan
The reason for this pattern of late marriage seems to be the firm convention that the couple save up enough money to launch themselves as an independent household before they wed. For the better off, this frequently meant university, legal training, an apprenticeship of seven years or more; ...
英国学者摩根(Kenneth O. Morgan)主编的《牛津英国史》(The Oxford Illustrated History of Britain),面世已经三十五年了,其间多次重印,2000年和2009年又曾修订、扩充。《牛津英国史》兼有插图版和无插图版,市面上前者居多。另外,牛津大学出版社的通识丛书(Very Shor... (展开) 20 3回应 YORK 2015-10-15...
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Written by an international team of 17 renowned biblical scholars, and handsomely illustrated with over 150 black-and-white illustrations and 24 pages of color plates,The Oxford Illustrated History of the Bibleis an essential resource for everyone interested in the origin and interpretation of the Wo...
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