Elentier: 1. elk, moose Elf: 1. elf Elfenbein: 1. ivory Ellbogen: 1. elbow Elsaß-Lothringen: 1. Alsace-Lorraine Elster: 1. magpie Elsässer: 1. Alsatian Eltern: 1. parents Elysium: 1. Elysium Emaille: 1. enamel Emblem: 1. emblem Emeritus: 1. retired person Eminenz: 1. excell...
After redesigning the taxonomy, we conducted a second evaluation episode to assess its practical applicability and usefulness in classifying, differentiating, and comparing real-world objects, using the evaluation criteria robustness, utility, efficacy, stability, and completeness. As we did not want to ...