Ponyboy Curtis: Physical Description Conflicts of Ponyboy Personality: Ponyboy Character Traits Lesson Summary Frequently Asked Questions What is Ponyboy like in "The Outsiders"? Ponyboy in The Outsiders is the youngest member of his family and his gang. He is soft-spoken and smart, which is...
The main character in the novel "The Outsiders" is Ponyboy Curtis. He is loyal to his friends. What did Ponyboy do to show his loyalty? A. He betrayed his friends. B. He left his friends when they were in trouble. C. He stood by his friends and helped them. D. He made new ...
父母双亡的14岁的Ponyboy生活的镇子(Tulsa,Oklahoma)上,有两个阵营:Greasers穷人家的孩子,长头发,抹头油,不是犯罪分子就是正在成为犯罪分子;Socs富家子弟,衣着光鲜,人中龙凤。Ponyboy带着Greaser的标签,但是他为人善良,学习成绩好,在两位哥哥和他们Gang成员的保护和关爱下成长。 一天Ponyboy在独自回家的路上,遭遇...
The Outsidersis narrated by the main character, Ponyboy Curtis. The story is placed in Oklahoma during the 1960s. In the first chapter, Ponyboy introduces himself and gives a brief history of his family. He also describes the relationships between his gang members, and the relationships within...
Ponyboy looks like in "The Outsiders" as a 14-year-old boy with light-brown hair that is long and slicked back. He is described as having a lean frame and being smaller than his older brothers. Ponyboy is very self-conscious about his appearance, particularly his hair, as it is a sy...
Learn who Ponyboy Curtis and the Greasers are in ''The Outsiders'' by S.E. Hinton. Explore more of their traits and how their fashion separates...
Ponyboy Curtis is a 14-year-old boy whose world has been turned upside down. His parents were killed in an automobile accident just eight months beforeThe Outsidersstory takes place. He lives with his oldest brother, Darry, who is 20 years old and has legal custody of him and his other...
Free Essay: “It ain’t fair we have all the rough breaks!”(S.E Hinton 43) Ponyboy Curtis made this comment referring to Greasers. Greasers are those...
Why did Ponyboy seek Dally's help in The Outsiders? After Johnny kills Bob Sheldon in self-defense to prevent him from drowning Ponyboy, the two Greasers realize that they are in serious trouble and need to speak with an experienced person for help. Johnny and Pony are aware that they ...
The Outsiders Photo Credit: Everett Collection Character Analysis (Avoiding Spoilers) Grew Up…on the other side of town. Ponyboy is coming of age in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in the mid 1960’s. The area he lives in is heavily stratified by class and tensions between his gang, the Greasers, and...