“Apocalypse Now: The Final Cut” premiered at Tribeca and was released in 2019, while “The Outsiders: The Complete Novel” was released in 2021 and premiered at San Sebastian.“One From The Heart: Reprise” was released in 2024 and premiered at Venice Classics 2023, while “The ...
Weak, ponderous cheap-jack horror by Ulli Lommel that never really gets going and ends up with so many holes, unexplained details that only confuse and make things plod from one disconnected scene to another. So many questions, very little answers. The sloppy execution doesn't fair up any be...
Understanding her husband, Laughing Wind pointed out to Condor’s Eye that his thoughts were preventing him from melding with a condor. How often do we deceive ourselves by not wanting to see things which outsiders then need to point out to us? Retribution meted out to Dark Horse and his ...
sense of creeping paranoia and rising conflict. But rather than a group of men fighting each other Elizabeth and Sue turn on each other over ownership of their physical existence and Hollywood status. The final act descends into hellish and bloody satire echoing Peter Jackson’sBraindead...
planes by making them follow me, step-by-step using my visualiser; this is just a camera on a stick attached to my laptop which is then connected to the big TV screen called a Viewboard – isn’t life wonderful these days. In the end I had to finish the final folds for most of ...
Recruiting Afghan participants for research can be particularly challenging because this demographic is frequently wary of outsiders (see, e.g., [2, 23]). This hesitance stems from Afghan individuals’ unfamiliarity with the research process and concerns about the potential stigma associated with parti...
This same relationship can be observed with the averages of perceived social support and size of the support network. When replicating the analyses of the t-test with men and women separately, the relationships remain significant and in the same direction as that shown, except in the case of ...
Magicam's Vice-President Carey Melcher referred to, when he made the statement on the occasion of his company being reinstated as the primary studio model vendor for the Motion Picture in January 1978, "Even though we were a Paramount company, we had to submit bids just like any outsiders....
You should plan to resend outstanding invoices with an online payment option as soon as possible to attempt to receive payment in full without offering proactive discount. Doing so now ensures you still have an opportunity to send the client a final payment request the last week of the year wi...
It also clearly shows how, when incidents like these occur, you absolutely need to bring in a bevy of _independent_ outsiders to oversee the inevitable investigations that follow, because the guilty parties (be they individuals, or corporations) will go out of their way to try to gloss over...