The Best Audiobook Versions of Classic Novels, as voted on by fans. Current Top 3: Crime and Punishment, Pride and Prejudice, Anne of Green Gables
At just 201 pages in the American edition with generous margins, widely-spaced lines and each chapter set out by separately-numbered pages,Beowulfis more novella than novel, but Bryher packs a lot into her carefully chosen words. Monnier considered it a “little classic” and one American revie...
Fletch’s Moxie (Audiobook) by Gregory McDonald, Dan John Miller: Fletch Solves a Very Hollywood Murder in Key West By HCNewton On August 5, 2019 In Audiobook, Fiction, Fletch, Gregory Mcdonald, Mystery/Detective Fiction/Crime Fiction/Thriller Fletch’s Moxie by Gregory McDonald, Dan John ...
And it was all good, if exhausting, until she noticed some faint numbers in the corner of her TV screen and cracked the communications system of a murderous eco-terror organization. Kidnapped by the FBI for her own protection, half in love with her captor and running for her life… can ...
This novel will also be available in audiobook form, narrated by the fantastic Francesca Peregrine. New to the Passionate Pantheon? You can get a sense of the world from the short story This Light Becomes My Art, available on the Passionate Pantheon blog (Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3...
Outsiders Looking In Enter here to discover why the tales of Scripture are more than cheery postcards from Heaven. Unique Among Nations Enter here to dispel three myths about the creation of the United States of America. The Kingdom of Stone ...
Sample Chapters! Read afree chapterof my various books! Buy Direct! My books are also available atGumroad. Fresh from the author to you! Works in Progress The Author is busily scribbling on: -Book 2 of the Secret Project. Yes, really. ...
Buy 2-4 print books each month. Bought print copy of The Mirror. Nora Roberts. ( Have the audiobook but wanted the print as well.) We Solve Murders. Richard Osman. Linking up with Nicole fromFeedYourFiction Addiction. #IMWAYR It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?
When I pre-sell 150 copies of my book, I will also publish an audiobook. When I pre-sell 200 copies of my book, I will publish a hardcover edition. I am also offering some exclusive rewards for people who pre-order my book now: ...
Outsiders still : why women journalists love – and leave – their newspaper careers (E-Book) – Despite years of dominating journalism school classrooms across North America, women remain vastly underrepresented at the highest levels of newspaper leadership. Why do so many female journalists leave ...