An undersized, intelligent outsider takes on the challenge of joining the high school football team to impress his crush, only to find that she's more interested in his athletic best friend. With heartfelt performances, laugh-out-loud moments, and an inspiring message about perseverance ...
A satirical comedy created by ex-SNL writers (Chris Kelly and Sarah Schneider), the show follows two lesser known siblings of a Justin Bieber-like teen superstar, Chase Dubek, as they try to grasp onto legitimacy of their own. WATCH Max The Outsider (2020) Like Hulu’s Castle Rock, The...
In the haunting, Gothic movie Crimson Peak, Edith Cushing (Mia Wasikowska), an aspiring author, finds herself torn between love for her childhood friend and the allure of a mysterious outsider. After an unexpected tragedy, she's drawn to the enigmatic Thomas Sharpe (Tom Hiddleston), leading he...
Directed byMartin Zandvlietand written byAndrew Baldwin,The Outsideris a Japanese-American film set in post-WWII Japan that starsJared Letoas Nick, a Marine imprisoned in a Japanese prison who saves the life of a yakuza. In return, the man’s clan arranges for Nick’s release, and he sub...
with his master's over-reliance on technology. Wallace has invented a high-tech garden gnome, but it turns evil, forcing an absurd showdown. The roller coaster pace and precise comic timing raise the chaos high enough to earnVengeance Most Fowla rare100% fresh ratingon Rotten Tomatoes. ...
Rotten Tomatoes:n/a Stars:Scott Martin, Clint Hummel, Jason Patric, Lou Diamond Phillips Director:Scott Martin Rating:R Runtime:126 minutes Image used with permission by copyright holder The Outsider(2019) Country musician Trace Adkins does not play the hero inThe Outsider. Instead, that role fa...
Smack dab at the apex of the New Hollywood, Robert Altman pushed cinematic storytelling to a whole new level with his shaggy 1975 epic ‘Nashville.’ Though Joan Tewkesbury wrote the script as an outsider looking into the country music scene, Altman’s film drops us right into it. His gifte...
Inspired by Everett’s real life, the show boasts aperfect Rotten Tomatoes rating.The Daily Beast’s Kevin Fallonsimply says that “Bridget Everett is a force” whileTheo Estes of The Spoolrelates the show’s brilliance to “the way it weaves between the hilarity and drama of the mundane.”...
In the haunting, Gothic movie Crimson Peak, Edith Cushing (Mia Wasikowska), an aspiring author, finds herself torn between love for her childhood friend and the allure of a mysterious outsider. After an unexpected tragedy, she's drawn to the enigmatic Thomas Sharpe (Tom Hiddleston), leadin...
While the behavior of the Norsemen initially offends ibn Fadlan, the more cultured outsider grows to respect the tough, if uncouth, warriors. During their travels together, ibn Fadlan and the Vikings get word of an evil presence closing in, and they must fight the frightening and formi...