The Outlast Trialsstory, explained This isn’t what you signed up for. Screenshot by Dot Esports Set in theCold War era,The Outlast Trialsfollows a sickeningseries of experimentsthat take place before the other installments in theOutlastfranchise. You play as aReagent, which is a character ...
Ultimately, your goal is to complete Murkoff's therapy and earn the right to be released back into society. In order to do so, you must complete the Trials and the MK-Challenges. Trials are immersive story driven therapies that take a certain time to complete. Mk-Challenges are shorter the...
Story + Sides 55 hrs Everything 21 hrs All Styles Game Help The Outlast Trials Guide Open Guide Top Guide Sections Tips and Tricks Maps Program X: How to Unlock and Complete Enemies Upgrades Outlast Trials Ending Explained Images & Screenshots ...
The Outlast Trials throws you and up to four of your friends into insane and improbable Saw-like “death games” in which you must work together to overcome the gory terrors that await. What little story there is so far doesn’t amount to much: you’re abducted by an evil corporation ...
Trials are immersive story driven therapies that take a certain time to complete. Mk-Challenges are shorter therapies occurring in modified or redesigned section of an existing map. HIDE OR FLIGHT In pure Outlast fashion, the core gameplay involves avoiding enemies, hiding from them, and trying ...
In The Outlast Trials, players are involuntarily recruited as human guinea pigs by the Murkoff Corporation during the Cold War era to undergo unethical experiments involving brainwashing and mind control. Players must survive these trials, which consist of story-driven therapies called "Trials" and ...
The Outlast Trials: Alex Charbonneau द्वारा निर्देशित. Alain Goulem, Alexandre Dubois, Amir Sám Nakhjavani, Anana Rydvald के साथ. Set in the Cold War, human guinea pigs are involuntarily recrui
Before BioShock was BioShock, it was System Shock: an altogether freakier combination of RPG and FPS, and one that in its second iteration told the story of a rogue AI on a haunted spaceship—that rogue AI being the incomparably uppercase SHODAN. ...
加拿大開發團隊 Red Barrels Games 開發、預定在 PC/PS5/PS4/Xbox Series X|S/Xbox One 等平台推出的生存恐怖冒險遊戲《The Outlast Trials 絕命精神病院實驗》(中文名暫稱),除了將於 2024 年 3 月 5 日正式上市外,也公開最新影片,為玩家們介紹遊戲內登場頭目壞蛋的最新情報畫面讓玩家們搶先確認。 Red ...
How does The Outlast Trials fit into the larger Outlast universe? How does it tell its story in such a new framework? It takes place in 1959, back when Murkoff was working with the CIA for the MKUltra project. So, it precedes the events of the previous games, but the q...