The woman's small black eyes darted at her for a moment, then the wrinkled, leathery, olive skinned face broke into a small curt smile of greeting that was yet in some curious way truly friendly. "Ah, you Mikey's little girl," Mrs. Corleone said. She had a heavy Italian accent, Ka...
两个人在险要之地单独决斗 The two men were alone in that dreadful place 但是结果 but the outcome of their struggle 正如如人人所料 was obvious to a trained observer. 福尔摩斯击败了 Holmes had achieved the destruction 他的死敌 of his archenemy, 而他自己也付出了生命的代价 only at the cost of...
Graffiti painting is traditionally a daredevil pursuit. Teenagers dodge security guards to put their names on trains and buses. But over the past decade, graffiti has all but disappeared from Britain's cities. Between 2007 and 2012 the number of incidents of graffiti recorded by the British Tran...
“Oh yes, she certainly was. A lot of us were jealous of her, to a degree, I suppose. She’s still got it, too.” “Mmmm. Well, anyway. It’s nice of her to offer to have me to stay while I do my work experience.” “Yes, it is. It wasn’t really her idea though. I...
I was disappointed to hear that the party had been cancelled;a group of disappointed children.decepcionado,defraudado disapˈpointingadjective disappointing results.decepcionante ˌdisapˈpointmentnoun Her disappointment was obvious from her face;His failure was a great disappointment to his wife.dec...
Steve disappeared into the staff-area and returned with a stool and a cane. “Come on; we’ll go into the centre of the hot-house where you’ll really feel you’re in the middle of the jungle. I’m looking forward to going really wild with my cane.” Ollie scowled but followed Ste...
E.The truth is, it's hard not to lose control of yourself in these moments. F.Better to fall into it, accept the situation for what it is, then get back on your feet and go again. G.No matter how bad things are, keeping your calm will always help you find a better outcome. ...
; "come out of the closet!"; "come into the room" 4. go - enter or assume a certain state or condition; "He became annoyed when he heard the bad news"; "It must be getting more serious"; "her face went red with anger"; "She went into ecstasy"; "Get going!" become, get ...
The one ray of light in all this is they may have allowed us to charge that lad that they hit with drugs and theft offences. Truth is, we’ve been after him for a long while. He could even be looking at a custodial sentence this time. Which would be a rather good outcome. Now,...
theoutcomeofabattle 胜负() 例子: a general planning in the seclusion of his tent is able determine the outcome of the distant battle[习惯用语]— 运筹帷幄之中,决胜千里之外 查看其他译文 © Linguee 词典, 2024 ▾ 外部资源(未审查的)