The show's sharp dialogue, endearing characters, and incisive representation of start-up culture made it a standout among television comedies. Dig Deeper 20 Ways HBO's Silicon Valley Is Just Like the Real Thing And Deeper All The Hints Silicon Valley Ever Dropped About Jared's Tragic Backs...
This poignant television film tells the true story of Matthew Shepard, a young gay man who was brutally murdered in a shocking hate crime, and the impact his death had on his family, friends, and the wider community. As the film delves into the trial of Shepard's killers, the psychologica...
66. Couples Therapy (Showtime) How to watch: Showtime, Amazon (with Showtime add-on), Hulu with (with Showtime add-on) The ultimate in voyeur reality television, Couples Therapy is simple, raw, and to the point: Viewers essentially sit in on sessions of couples getting therapy to save...
Well, it's perhaps the greatest television show ever made, so yeah, you should watch Breaking Bad. Bryan Cranston stars as antihero Walter White, a mild-mannered high school chemistry teacher who begins cooking meth to pay for his cancer treatments and finds that he really, really likes it....
which helped inform his approach to children's television. He was clearly fascinated by how young ones see the world, and was particularly interested in what scared them and what, to them, made the world a confusing place. It's also fun to hear from his colleagues on the show, who saw...
(Clockwise from bottom left): 'Friday Night Lights,' 'Never Have I Ever,' 'Sex Education,' 'Daria,' and 'That '70s Show' Courtesy Everett Collection The perils and plights of adolescence have long been a source of fascination for television audiences. That’s particularly apparent nowadays ...
In a year as tough as 2021, animated films and television shows weren't just escapes. They provided catharsis. Check out our favorites, and see what we mean.
Past Times, Television The Outcast July 13, 2015 4 Comments Playing much younger than her age, 23 year-old Jessica Barden gets the belt in a new adaptation of Sadie Jones’ period novel The Outcast. Television, Videos The Golden Rules August 16...
Robert Crumb is an eccentric underground cartoonist who rocked the cartoon world and created some of the industry’s most recognizable characters in all of history. A social outcast in high school,Crumbfollows the American artist’s life through marriage, his folk culture cartoons, and his addictio...
that develops as a result of the success of a related, pre-existing concern. This expression has been popularized by its frequent application in the television industry to a new program centering around a supporting character from an already successful show. The expression also enjoys widespread use...