The Other Wes Moore 是一本关于两个黑人男青年的传记,在亚马逊上得分四星半。我本来就喜欢看普通人的传记,网页上的剧透更吸引了我:两个姓名一样、素不相识的男孩“在类似的邻里生长、度过了父亲缺失的艰难童年;他们曾在相仿的街角混迹于相仿的人群,都曾与警察有过不愉快的遭遇。”步入成年人的行列之后,其中一个...
然后,一个Wes Moore因为抢劫杀人被判终身监禁且不得假释,一个Wes Moore成为荣誉退伍军人、作家、政治分析专家、慈善企业家。路径的分叉在哪里呢?作家Wes Moore的妈妈宁愿自己打几份工,把儿子送去私立学校Riverdale就读。在儿子厌学逃学的关键期,又不惜跟亲朋好友举债,送他去学费高昂的著名军校Valley Forge。按照她纯真...
另一位Wes Moore 因为抢劫珠宝店和杀人,最终要在监狱里度过他的余生。作者惊讶与他们相似的部分人生,也惊讶他们不禁意间的决定会给他们带来这么大的不同,他有时候觉得他有可能就会成为在狱中的那个Wes Moore,他们之间冥冥中有着某种连接,这个想法在他脑中持续发酵,后来他给在监狱中的Wes Moore写了一份信简单介绍...
The Other Wes Moore 是一本关于两个黑人男青年的传记,在亚马逊上得分四星半。我本来就喜欢看普通人的传记,网页上的剧透更吸引了我:两个姓名一样、素不相识的男孩“在类似的邻里生长、度过了父亲缺失的艰难童年;他们曾在相仿的街角混迹于相仿的人群,都曾与警察有过不愉快的遭遇。”步入成年人的...
book describes two boys who required help on their journey into adulthood; while one received it, the other didn’t. He encourages the reader to be aware of their own power and to “unleash” it. He explains that the rest of the book is filled with a list of resources that can help ...
Wes Moore is the governor of Maryland. He is the New York Times bestselling author of The Other Wes Moore; The Work, which was featured on Oprah Winfrey’s SuperSoul Sunday; and Five Days, a finalist for the Porchlight Business Book Award. He’s also a former Rhodes Scholar, a combat...
The other Wes Moore, however, will spend the rest of his life inside a prison cell for murder." Wes's story could have been mine; the tragedy is that my story could have been his," Moore writes. Of course,...
The Other Wes MoorePenguin Random | Wes Moore8.2万字 外文内容简介:NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER The compassionate ( People ), startling(Baltimore Sun),moving(Chicago Tribune) true story of two kids ...目录23章查看目录 免费Title Page Copyright Introduction ...
Free Essay: In “The Other Wes Moore” there was many people that helped him along the way and had an impact on the other Wes Moore's life. Some of those...