“Anton” means “opposite”, the term “antonymy” is used for “oppositeness of meaning”; words that are in opposition are antonyms. Antonyms classified on the basis of semantic contrast. There are four types of antonyms.(2 points)(1) Contraries/Gradable Antonyms: Contraries display semantic...
Google Share on Facebook antonymy Thesaurus Related to antonymy:synonymy,polysemy,hyponymy,homonymy,Antonyms an·to·nym (ăn′tə-nĭm′) n. A word having a meaning opposite to that of another word:The word "wet" is an antonym of the word "dry." ...
for the time being Dictionary Medical Legal Acronyms Idioms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Graphic Thesaurus🔍 DisplayON AnimationON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> for the moment for the ti... adv advtemporarily Synonyms for the moment
The termNational Socialist—orNazi, for short—was added to the name of the German Workers' Party the year after it was founded. On the day it was renamed, swiftly-rising new member Adolf Hitler outlined the party's official platform before 2,000 people, its largest audience yet. During ...
Hussars originated in 15th-century Hungary as a light-horse corps, but the term now applies to members of various light cavalry regiments in European armies, renowned for their elegant dress. The brilliantly colored Hungarian hussar's uniform consisted of a high cylindrical cap, a jacket with he...
—humorous slang To depart or leave, especially at once or in a hurry. (A pun on "to split," a slang term meaning to leave or depart, and a "banana split," an ice-cream-based dessert featuring a banana halved lengthwise.)More...Discuss...
—humorous slang To depart or leave, especially at once or in a hurry. (A pun on "to split," a slang term meaning to leave or depart, and a "banana split," an ice-cream-based dessert featuring a banana halved lengthwise.)More...Discuss ...
of evolution. He held that new species are formed chiefly through mutations—sudden, unpredictable, inheritable changes in an individual organism. Teaching at the University of Amsterdam, he introduced the experimental study of evolution. What important evolution-related term did he introduce to science...
The term has now given rise to the truncated formhype, used disparagingly both as noun and verb. lay it onSeeFLATTERY. make a mountain out of a molehillTo make a to-do over a minor matter, to make a great fuss over a trifle. Although this particular expression did not appear until th...