Those who had caught sharks had taken them to the shark factory on the other side of the cove where they were hoisted on a block and tackle, their livers removed, their fins cut off and their hides skinned out and their flesh cut into strips for salting. 他是个独自在湾流中一条小船上...
He leaned over the side and pulled loose a piece of the meat of the fish where the shark had cut him. He chewed it and noted its quality and its good taste. It was firm and juicy, like meat, but it was not red. There was no stringiness in it and he knew t hat it would brin...
1. Which of the following can be put in★? ___ A.Football gameB.Country music C.Yard saleD.Board game 2. The free talk will last about ___. A.half an hourB.an hour C.an hour and a halfD.two hours 3. Which of the following is NOT true? ___ A.We can buy some old...
Unit 16The Sea 本单元重点单词 seasiden.海滨beachn.海(河、湖)滩 divev.跳水sailorn.水手 navyn.海军bathev.游泳;洗澡 timev.测定……的时间;记录…...的时间drownv.溺死;淹没 cyclev.骑自行车saltyadj.盐的;咸的;含盐的 vastadj.巨大的;广阔的surfacen.表面 ...
It was hard to put everyday food on the table for three growing boys with the little I earned from work, but I promised a good meal. We looked forward to a day of good eating! But there was only enough bread in the house, two chicken breasts and a few other things. ...
Those who had caught sharks had taken them to the shark factory on the other side of the cove where they were hoisted on a block and tackle, their livers removed, their fins cut off and their hides skinned out and their flesh cut into strips for salting. When the wind was in the ...
Those who had caught sharks had taken them to the shark factory on the other side of the cove where they were hoisted on a block and tackle, their livers removed, their fins cut off and their hides skinned out and their flesh cut into strips for salting. When the wind was in the ...
10. at the speed of100 kilometers an / per hour 11. On the one hand bring conveniences to us on the other hand there is no denying that 12. picked up passengers 13. managed to swim across / succeeded in swimming across 14. the first to come while the last to leave 五、 1. I ...
The young man still looked bewildered and did not move, and after a minute the other set off. There was no path, but he walked as if he knew where he was going, starting up one of the slopes of short dry grass at a steady pace and crossing over it. The young man followed him, ...