The Other Side of Life2009-6出版 想读 在读 读过 简介 Enter dream worlds, spirit worlds, and worlds beyond earth in the continuing adventure of a woman and her sage, known as the Fool on the Hill, in book two of the 'Other Side' series. This story, rich in psychological and ...
序言爱芙琳·艾尔塞瑟-瓦拉利诺(Evelyn Elsaesser Valarino)所著的《柳暗花明又一生》(On the Other Side of Life)一书,我个人认为,不但是一部立论精辟、内容丰富、不同凡响的杰作,也对大步向前进展的濒死经验(NDE)的研究工作做出了非常有价值的贡献。在过去二十年间,有数十本讨论这方面的著作,以多种语言出版...
- On the outside looking in, that's where.think something through:认真考虑清楚某事剑桥英语释义:to carefully consider the possible results of doing something例句:It sounds like a good idea, but we need to think it through.cross one's mind:想起过(某事)柯林斯英语释义:If you say that an idea...
15. Do you ever notice how all the self-sacrificing women in history, Joan of Arc, Mother Theresa--can't think of any others, they all die alone. The men, on the other hand, get so much fuzz, it's crazy. 你注意过历史上那些自我牺牲的女性吗?圣女贞德、特蕾莎修女……暂时想不到其他...
“If you wish, you may sit here in the orderly room,”said the young captain.“And don't try to bolt through that door. The men are just outside.” “You see what a desperate character I am, Scarlett,”said Rhett.“Thank you, Captain. This is most kind of you.” He bowed carel...
主人公是一位在美国出版公司工作的编辑。他的母亲,得了晚期癌症。时日不多了。“如果陪伴父母与追求人生不能两全,你会怎么选择?”主人公的内心很挣扎。 他的母亲,很喜欢看书。母亲提议,和儿子一起看一本书,一起分享感想。之后,在母亲去世的半年里,她的儿子一起看了很多书,畅聊人生。
I got a copy of my book yesterday. I’m old and I can remember a world where you couldn’t walk around with a hundred books in your pocket, so for me the book wasn’t real until I held it in my hands. But here we are. It’s real. Inside of the cover is a bunch of pages...
对音乐人TASHI DELÄK而言,《The Book of Life 生命之书》是一个起点,也是他对于实现彻底改变的一次尝试。“生命之书”这一概念的灵感起初源于索甲仁波切的《西藏生死书》以及其中对藏传佛教生死观念的阐述,通过这样一张极富穿透力的概念作品,TASHI DELÄK也希望营造、描绘出生命轮回的尢限色彩与张力。
在这些无奈和悲凉中,在各种异化的人生轨迹中,又蕴藏着一个个生命的真谛。 因版权原因待上架 李佩甫作者 作家主页 会员 茅盾文学奖获奖作品全集:生命册 社会 会员 平原客(典藏版) 社会 会员 生命册 社会 会员 新中国70年70部长篇小说典藏:生命册 社会