This epic sports documentary follows 60-year-old legendary athlete Diana Nyad as she emerges from a three-decade retirement attempting to become the first person to swim 110-miles (177 Km) non-stop from Cuba to Florida without a shark cage....
At the edge of The Devil's Triangle, tropical storms, sharks, venomous jellyfish, and one of the strongest ocean currents in the world, all prove to be life-threatening realities. Timothy Wheeler's documentary brings Diana Nyad's extraordinary adventure to life as Diana sets out to prove ...
The Other Shore: Directed by Timothy Wheeler. With Diana Nyad, Johnny Carson, Candace Hogan, Lester Holt. Swimmer Diana Nyad comes out of a thirty year retirement to swim non-stop from Cuba to Florida. Nyad's adventure to life as she sets out to prove th
The Other Shore: Directed by Timothy Wheeler. With Diana Nyad, Johnny Carson, Candace Hogan, Lester Holt. Swimmer Diana Nyad comes out of a thirty year retirement to swim non-stop from Cuba to Florida. Nyad's adventure to life as she sets out to prove th
Documentary Stars Yance Ford, Harvey Walker, Kevin Myers Directed by Yance Ford Watch on Netflix Director Yance Ford’s investigation into the 1992 murder of her brother, 24-year-old William Ford Jr., is an examination of judicial prejudice like no other, and an incredible film experiment. Co...
Known for his documentary films for television, Robert Hughes takes a critical view on various aspects of Australian and British history.His most famous documentary work is The Fatal Shore, and he has also written a bestselling book The Shock of The New as a critic of modern art. ...
Between the Sea and Shore is a three-part documentary that calls for quick action to 1 sea turtles from dying out. Around the world, sea turtles are known 2 their beauty and as one of the Earth’s oldest creatures (生物). However, their beauty, 3 pollution and coastal development have ...
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Between the Sea and Shoreis a three-part documentary that calls for quick action to1sea turtles from dying out. Around the world, sea turtles are known2their beauty and as one of the Earth’s oldest creatures (生物). However, their beauty,3pollution and coastal development have threatened ...