The The Other Roles, is a mod for Among Us which adds many new roles, new Settings, and new Custom Hats to the game. Even more roles are coming soon :) ImpostorsCrewmatesNeutralOther Evil Mini Nice Mini Arsonist GM Evil Guesser Nice Guesser Jester Bounty Hunter Detective Jackal Camoufla...
This role is developed by our team and is quite similar to the original role in TheOtherRolesGM H, which was the Trickster The Evil Lighter will be affected by the lights and can use its lighter to increase its vision. Once the Evil Lighter uses its lighter, the lights will still go ...
Among Us 其它职业(The Other Roles)各个职业玩法 OK兄弟们,我相信有些人也是玩原版玩腻了吧(doge),当你兴高采烈地装上mod却不知道如何玩时,那就太尴尬了,为了避免这种情况,我会把我能想到的职业玩法都写出来(因为手头没有电脑,看不了具体职业),供大家参考。 提示:此篇仅为The Other Roles GM3.5.4的职业介...
This mod is based on the mod The Other Roles GM H rebuild made by haoming37 We are only a team of teenagers, and we may not be able to make this mod like any other mods. Feel free to give suggestions or to pull any requests. Releases Among Us - VersionMod VersionLink 2024.11.26s...
首先介绍船员阵营 警长:可以击杀独立阵营 有次数限制 击杀船员则自己死亡 市长:一次可以投出多张票(最少两张)可以在自己拥有紧急会议时 即使总次数耗尽 依然可以开启会议 执灯人:在熄灯的时候 执灯人可以通过技能扩大视 同时可以看见隐身的忍者及狐妖
We, therefore, suggest that gender roles should be considered in future studies and frameworks outlining the influence of pornography on sexual behavior and quality. We hypothesized that due to our unique study sample we could assess associations between frequent consumption of pornography and sexual ...
Accumulating evidence suggests that adult-born neurons may play distinct physiological roles in hippocampus-dependent functions, such as memory encoding and mood regulation. In addition, several brain diseases, such as neurological diseases and mood disorders, have deleterious effects on adult hippocampal ...
intake may have anti-diabetic effects with the changes it has created on the composition of the intestinal microbiota through metabolic end products [211,245,246,247]. The possible roles that some nutritional strategies may play in T2DM through lipidomics and gut microbiota were shown in Fig.4....
damaged or necrotic cells triggering an immediate inflammatory response via pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNFα. Active secretion of HMGB1 occurs via immune cells, endothelial cells, platelets, neurons, astrocytes, and tumor cells during stress or secondary to other DAMP signals as reinforcement [...
Roles of ethylene and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid in pollination and wound-induced senescence of Petunia hybrida flowers. Physiol. Plant. 1984, 61, 643–648. [CrossRef] 14. Becker, W.; Apel, K. Differences in gene expression between natural and artificially induced leaf senescence. ...