75 Wine Co. 产区: 美国USA>纳帕谷 Napa Valley 酿酒葡萄: 风味特征: 雅致 酒款年份: 2007年 国内市场参考价: ¥暂无价格信息 酒款综述OVERVIEW 关于“75 wine co. the sum red blend (napa valley) ”的酒款综述 权威评分SCORE 关于“75 wine co. the sum red blend (napa valley)”的评分 ...
The most popular Red Blend wines. Most Popular Red Blend wine grape variety. Compare prices and buy Red Blend wines and thousands of other wines on wine-searcher.com. Page 16 of 20.
The most popular Red Blend wines. Most Popular Red Blend wine grape variety. Compare prices and buy Red Blend wines and thousands of other wines on wine-searcher.com. Page 14 of 20.
2014年澳多曼酒庄哈奇克混酿红葡萄酒 2014 Australian Domaine Wines The Hattrick Red Blend, McLaren Vale, Australia年份全部年份 2014 2010 2009 2008 2005 2004 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998国内市场参考价:¥暂无价格信息 (2014年份) 酒庄 澳多曼酒庄产区...
关于“la vierge temptation the affair red blend (walker bay)”的评分 酒款年份 评分者 分数 评分时间 2008年 《葡萄酒爱好者》 84 “The Affair” refers to the relationship between the French and Italian varieties in the blend. Sadly, this isn’t the hottest affair, with the strong game, ...
Wine-searcher 是一个强大的全球葡萄酒零售价格搜索引擎,网址为,被知名葡萄酒作家 Jancis Robinson MW 誉为“最成功、最有用的葡萄酒比价网站”。 WS创立于1999年,总部位于新西兰,目前有超过来自82300个酒商在售的875万款葡萄酒的价格信息,而且这些数据每时每刻都在更新与增长。WS还有专业的葡萄品种和产区资料库。
红葡萄混酿(Red Blend)红葡萄混酿(Red Blend)并不特指某一种葡萄品种,葡萄酒的法律法规中也无相关规定定义该混酿中可包含的葡萄品种。“红葡萄混酿”多出现于未详细罗列出葡萄品种的红葡萄酒酒标上,一般指多种红葡萄品种进行调配酿造而成的葡萄酒,例如波尔多红葡萄混酿(Bordeaux Red Blend)和GSM(歌海娜-…【详情...
酒款综述OVERVIEW 关于“天使藤恶狼系列混酿红葡萄酒(Angel Vine The Hellion Red Blend, Washington, USA) ”的酒款综述 此款葡萄酒颜色深红,单宁饱满,酸度适中,酒体浑厚,质量上乘。 猜你喜欢 2022年中菲酒庄遇见半甜型桃红葡萄酒 中国» 新疆|中菲酒庄 西拉 新春特惠价 ¥158 2022年芙朗酒庄自然黑皮诺...
What Distinguishes Pinot Noir From Other Red Wines? Pinot Noir is known for its lighter body and higher acidity. It has delicate flavors like cherry, strawberry, and sometimes floral or earthy notes. It's classified among the semi sweet red wine types. How Does Cabernet Sauvignon Taste? Cabe...
A unique red blend of California-sourced grapes made by Tuck Beckstoffer who continues to impress with these reasonably priced big reds that he distributes to Costco. This one was $19.79 and follows a chain of winners including the Amulet and the Melee Red. This wine is comprised of 75%...