this parallel reality harbors sinister secrets. The 'Other Mother' (Teri Hatcher), who rules this realm, tries to keep Coraline forever. Directed by Henry Selick, the film received critical acclaim for its unique animation style and compelling narrative. It was nominated for an Academy Award for...
Curious 11-year-old Coraline Jones (Dakota Fanning) is lured into a parallel universe called the Other World, where a button-eyed doppelgänger of her mother (Teri Hatcher) manipulates her to get her to remain there. Her Other Mother form is creepy enough, but it gets taken to another le...
Coraline, an adventurous girl, discovers a secret door in her new home that leads to an alternate world mirroring her own life but seemingly perfect. However, this parallel reality harbors sinister secrets. The 'Other Mother' (Teri Hatcher), who rules this realm, tries to keep Coraline ...
Horror mom recommendations and streaming guide for motherhood horror: "Coraline," "Notorious," "Goodnight Mommy," "Black Swan," and more.
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Critics Consensus: With its vivid stop-motion animation combined with Neil Gaiman's imaginative story, Coraline is a film that's both visually stunning and wondrously entertaining. Synopsis: While exploring her new home, a girl named Coraline (Dakota Fanning) discovers a secret door, behind which...
1.Coraline This might just be the most horrifying “kids” movie to date. From our bleak introduction to Coraline’s life to her hair-raising showdown with the Other Mother, this visually-astonishing film is chilling down to its core. Equally disturbing for children and adults alike,Coralinedi...
1.Coraline Focus Features 1.Coraline This might just be the most horrifying “kids” movie to date. From our bleak introduction to Coraline’s life to her hair-raising showdown with the Other Mother, this visually-astonishing film is chilling down to its core. Equally disturbing for children ...
Coraline (3D Re-Release) Jackpot! (Prime Video) August 16 (Friday) Alien: Romulus (+ IMAX) My Penguin Friend Caligula: The Ultimate Cut (Re-Release) Close to You (Theaters) The Deliverance (Theaters) The Greatest Surf Movie in the Universe (Theaters) ...
Coraline is charmed at first, but when they try to sew buttons on her eyes as well, she realizes that this realm is a magical trap for her and her family. The villain grows increasingly sinister and scary-looking, so it's not a good choice for the younger set, but tweens will find ...