Evangelical Political Economy and the Origins of the Progressive MovementCompton, John W
The Origins of the Progressive Movement:Late-Nineteenth-Century Americans witnessed wide-scale social transformation. Divisions over the nation's future, and the federal government's role in that future, percolated through society.Answer and Explanation: ...
1.Reconstructing the Liberty and Democracy:the Political Origins ofthe Progressive Movementin America;重建民主与自由:美国进步运动兴起的政治根源 2.On the Historical Background and Social Impact ofthe Progressive Movementin the United States;论美国进步运动的历史背景及其社会影响 3.The Thought and Practice...
The Temple of Heaven in Beijing was constructed during the reign of Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty, and completed in 1420, which was about the same time of the completion of the Forbidden City. When Emperor Yongle moved the capital from Nanjing to Beijing, one of the important things he...
The Bemis module was fundamentally a unit of measure with impor- tant (if unacknowledged) origins in classical architecture; it also drew implicitly on the term’s nineteenth-century mathematical connotations of size and proportion. In volume 3 of The Evolving House (1936) Bemis introduced his mo...
Enlightenment hegemony over the Western intellectual outlook, which can be summarized briefly as follows: that there exists an external world, whose properties are independent of any individual human being and indeed of humanity as a whole; that these properties are encoded in ``eternal'' physical ...
But it was also conceivable that you were destructively cutting yourself off from such men and women, who might be a little slow to recognize how a poetic enjambement enacted a movement of physical balancing. The lower-middle-class origins of the architects of English are perhaps relevant here...
Knight, C. & Lewis, J. 2017. Wild Voices Mimicry, Reversal, Metaphor, and the Emergence of Language,Current Anthropology,58(4). 8. Sahlins, M. D. 1960. The Origins of Society (pp. 59–65) in: Hammond, P. B. (eds.) 1964.Physical anthropology and archaeology: introductory readings,...
Origins The Small-Mart Revolution is a direct descendent of my last book, Going Local: Creating Self-Reliant Communities in a Global Age, in which I argued that local ownership of business and self-reliance of a community were critical requirements for a prosperous and sustainable local economy....
guides to key thinkers and seminal historical works; further reading; a glossary of terms; and sample questions to promote further debate at the end of each chapter. This is a truly global account of the process of progressive intercultural contact that led to the hegemony of Western historiograp...