Despite a casual interest in civilian cryptography going back to its origins (see the discussion of [36]), this is my only publication in the field. It presents a cute hack for using a single password to login to a system multiple times without allowing an adversary to gain access to the...
Being recognized among the cradles of human civilization, ancient China nurtured the longest continuous academic traditions and humanistic spirits, which continue to impact today’s society. With an unprecedented large-scale corpus spanning 3000 years, this paper presents a quantitative analysis of cultura...
The symbol of the eye always had a mystical and spiritual dimension assigned to it. As the popular saying goes: Eyes are the windows to the soul. For this reason, the symbol of the eye is particularly important in occult circles and Mystery schools. Sun God Since the dawn of civilization,...
(1960): 6–24. In projecting the origins of the harmonic system in a mythic past while remaining silent concerning the identify of its creators, thePhilebushas raised the question of the paternity of such a doctrine, attributable, according to the bipartition of the musical schools recalled in...
Origins of Popular Superstitions and Customs, The - T. Sharper KnowlsonPeep at the Pixies, or Legends of the West, A - Anna Eliza BrayPhilippine Folklore Stories - John Maurice MillerPhilippine Folk Tales - Mable Cook ColePiskey-Purse: Legends and Tales of North Cornwall, The - Enys ...
In the first of these lectures, Lindsay outlines the basics and origins of Communism both as a practical endeavor and as a sociognostic religious movement. He begins by outlining the broader theosophical and occult-mystical nature of a broad suite of belief systems and discusses how they began...
Call it illuminism, secularism, Luciferianism, humanism, paganism or the occult: It's all Kabbalah. Modern Western civilization has no moral legitimacy (and no future) because it is based on a rebellion against God, who represents the path of our spiritual development. Humanity has been ...
The whole human civilization project was founded on a wonderfully creative tapestry of lies. The sooner one understood that, the sooner one could go about the business of keeping it afloat. Leaders work with what they have. Lies are a tool like any other. Slave away in this life, ...
as Utopian idealism. He said proudly of his black-uniformed SS: »I know that there are many people in Germany who feel sick when they see this black tunic; we can understand that and do not expect to be beloved by overmany people.« Sometimes he saw his Black Guards as an elite ...
It is noteworthy that the playwright portrays Miché Garba as a political heavy-weighty based on nothing else but his ethnic origins. What God Has Put Asunder, it seems to me, is a lampoon on the unresolved conflict between the British Southern Cameroons and the French-speaking La République...