The Origins of Judaismdoi:10.2307/j.ctv2z0vv3cY. Adler
From the foundational contributions of Jewish thinkers like Freud, Adler, Frankl, Yalom, Gottman, and Shapiro to the ongoing influence of Jewish ethical and philosophical ideas, the connection between Judaism and psychotherapy is profound and enduring. This connection continues to shape the way we ...
33The communities formed in thisvast area as part of the new cultural system created by the Mongolian elite(including members of the Tatar and Mongol tribes) during the second half ofthe thirteenth century through the fourteenth century were quite ethnicallydiverse. The origins of these communities...
A Shot in the DarkA.J. SassAden PolydorosBrianna ShrumDahlia AdlerEllen Outside the LinesGoing BicoastalHelena GreerHow to Excavate a HeartJake Maia ArlowJewish American Heritage MonthKatherine LockeMargo Zimmerman Gets the GirlMatzo MatchRing of SolomonRoz AlexanderSacha LambSara WaxelbaumSeason of ...
It influenced the birth of the Hasidic sect of Judaism in the seventeenth century. By the turn of the nineteenth century, Jews comprised about 80% of the population. Several renowned Jewish cultural figures (including novelist Joseph Conrad) were born there....
Read more about this book and the Judaism within it here. Zach Glasser looks like he has a dream life as a pro ball player, but truthfully, he’s miserable over the fact that he lost the love of his life, teammate Eugenio Morales, when he wouldn’t and couldn’t come out three year...
While families of Muslim origins do have a degree of choice – between burial in the commune of residence, in a more distant commune if space is available, or repatriation and burial in the ancestral homeland – each choice implies a potentially intolerable transgression of religious convictions ...
While further research may shed new light on the origins of the image, the possibility must be recognized that the precise mechanism of image formation may never be known. Scientific testing of the Shroud has not, however, reached a dead end; autoradiography of the entire cloth, thread-by-...
Showing a limited preview of this publication: The Crucible of Judaism1878The Crucible of Judaism‘Let us see how we can bring the school, the synagogue and the Jewish home closerso that they reinforce one another.’1Tracing its origins back to 1732, when it started life as a Talmud Torah...
Qur’an; Islam; Judaism; revelation; counter-history; Muhammad; polemics; Judeo-Arabic; metanarrative; Medina1. Introduction This article treats a Jewish polemical retelling of the foundational Muslim narrative of divine revelation and reception of God’s word via the prophet Muhammad. It functions ...