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Wikipedia stirpiculture (ˈstɜːpɪˌkʌltʃə) n the process of selective breeding or the production of breeds with specific characteristics Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 20...
2.Mental suffering; anguish:getting over the hurt of reading the letter. 3.A wrong; harm:What hurt have you done to them? [Middle Englishhurten, possibly from Old Frenchhurter,to bang into,perhaps of Germanic origin.] hurt′ern.
On the Origin of Hallucinations in Conversational Models: Is it the Datasets or the Models?Nouha Dziri, Sivan Milton, Mo Yu, Osmar Zaiane, Siva Reddy[paper]2022.4 Towards Tracing Factual Knowledge in Language Models Back to the Training DataEkin Akyürek, Tolga Bolukbasi, Frederick Liu, Binbin...
Gantu, sometimes referred to as Captain Gantu, is a character in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, residing in Deep Space. He originates from Lilo & Stitch. Holding a desperate struggle to retain the dangerous Experiment 626, it is both on and before...
The ideal tracheal substitute must have biomechanical properties comparable to the native trachea, but currently there is no standardised approach to evaluating these properties. Here we propose a novel method for evaluating and comparing the properties of tracheal substitutes, thus systematising both mea...
For the calculation of roundness, it is assumed that there is a deviation from the approximate center of the circle, rather than the radian of a perfect circle, and the approximate center of the circle is set as the origin. The output of zi can be obtained by Equation (5), where Ri ...
CARPENTER: "We went back to the origin of the story, which is the imitation. It wasn't a big Frankenstein monster, it was a creature that can imitate other life-forms perfectly. It's a lot more complex and different than the first film." ...
Virginia, having tracked down the origin of at least some of the shawls, kindly managed to procure one for me. Being able to examine one in detail up close has led to an understanding that allows me to understand details that while I had seen them before, had not revealed their relevance...
"Only when I take the needle out and touch the silk thread, I feel fully comfortable," says Zou Yingzi, an inheritor of Su embroidery, an ancient craft that originates from the garden city of Suzhou in Jiangsu province. The day before the interview, the 53-year-old worked more than 10...