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The Amityville Horror: Directed by Andrew Douglas. With Ryan Reynolds, Melissa George, Jesse James, Jimmy Bennett. Newlyweds are terrorized by demonic forces after moving into a large house that was the site of a grisly mass murder a year before.
For the calculation of roundness, it is assumed that there is a deviation from the approximate center of the circle, rather than the radian of a perfect circle, and the approximate center of the circle is set as the origin. The output of zi can be obtained by Equation (5), where Ri ...
The Trouble with Harry: Directed by Alfred Hitchcock. With Edmund Gwenn, John Forsythe, Mildred Natwick, Mildred Dunnock. Harry's dead and, while no one really minds, everyone feels responsible. After Harry's body is found in the woods, several locals mu
To cause to make or move with such a sound:"She whirred the wheel of the sewing-machine round and round"(Virginia Woolf). n. A sound of buzzing or vibration:the whir of turning wheels. [Middle Englishwhirren,probably of Scandinavian origin.] ...
Either of two migratory sandpipers of the genusCalidristhat breed in Arctic regions, especially the red knot. [Middle English,of Scandinavian origin.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published ...
1b) of these molecules, and indicating a physiological response to microgravity rather than a purely inflammatory response8. We next mined RNA-sequencing data from dissected, space-flown mouse tissues to assess a possible tissue-of-origin for the circulating cytokines (Supplementary Fig. 2a). ...
The origin of non-uniform microstructure and its effects on the mechanical properties of a friction stir processed Al–Mg alloy. Acta Mater. 2009, 57, 5718–5729. [CrossRef] 24. Peel, M.; Steuwer, A.; Preuss, M.; Withers, P.J. Microstructure, mechanical properties and residual stresses...
CARPENTER: "We went back to the origin of the story, which is the imitation. It wasn't a big Frankenstein monster, it was a creature that can imitate other life-forms perfectly. It's a lot more complex and different than the first film." ...
Define tubal. tubal synonyms, tubal pronunciation, tubal translation, English dictionary definition of tubal. adj. Of, relating to, or occurring in a tube, such as the fallopian tube or the eustachian tube. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English