Some of the most extensive terrestrial biomes today consist of open vegetation, including temperate grasslands and tropical savannas. These biomes originated relatively recently in Earth’s history, likely replacing forested habitats in the second half o
Molecular phylogenetic analysis has been used to infer the history of hybrid zones in the grasshopper Chor- thippus (Cooper & Hewitt, 1993; Cooper et al., 1995), to examine the origin of parapatric distribu- tions of rodent species along elevation gradients in South America (Patton & Smith,...
Gavrilets S: Fitness Landscapes and the Origin of Species. 2004, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press Google Scholar Ono H, Ohuigin C, Tichy H, Klein J: Major-histocompatibility-complex variation in two species of cichlid fishes from Lake Malawi. Mol Biol Evol. 1993, 10 (5): 1060-...
Centromeres play a crucial and conserved role in cell division, although their composition and evolutionary history in green algae, the evolutionary ancestors of land plants, remains largely unknown. We constructed near telomere-to-telomere (T2T) assembl
Unique among cnidarians, jellyfish have remarkable morphological and biochemical innovations that allow them to actively hunt in the water column and were some of the first animals to become free-swimming. The class Scyphozoa, or true jellyfish, are char
Around 1589, Robert Greene adapted the story for the stage as The Honorable Historie of Frier Bacon and Frier Bongay,[103][104][105] one of the most successful Elizabethan comedies.[104] As late as the 1640s, Thomas Browne was still complaining that "Every ear is filled with the story ...
J., et al.: The impact of monsoon outflow from India and Southeast Asia in the upper tro- posphere over the eastern Mediterranean, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 3, 1589-1608, 2003,, H.A., Lelieveld, J., Roelofs, G.J., Williams, J...
and are widely distributed in deep-sea environments [4,5]; they are considered as key players in marine hot-water ecosystems.Thermococcusspecies are able to grow anaerobically on various complex substrates, such as yeast extract, peptone, and amino acids in the presence of elemental sulfur (S°...
Suppression of RNA recognition by Toll-like receptors: the impact of nucleoside modification and the evolutionary origin of RNA. Immunity 23, 165–175 (2005). Article PubMed Google Scholar Lutz, J. et al. Unmodified mRNA in LNPs constitutes a competitive technology for prophylactic vaccines. ...
although a significant and growing number of people are adopting vegan dietary practices because of health benefits and, to a lesser extent, environmental concerns (Giraud, 2021; Janssen et al., 2016; Oliver, 2023; Peggs, 2020), its origin and practice are deeply rooted in animal rights and...