玛琦 2019-11-20 15:57:13 —— 引自章节:CHAPTER TWO VARIATION UNDER NA Owing to this struggle for life, any variation, however slight and from whatever cause proceeding, if it be in an degree profitable to an individual of any species, in its infinnitely complex relations to other organ...
Chapter1Variation Under Domestication 1. Causes of Variability 2. Effects Of Habit And Of The Use OrDisuse Of Parts; Correlated Variation; Inheritance 3. Character Of Domestic Varieties;Difficulty Of Distinguishing Between Varieties And Species; OriginOf Domestic Varieties From One Or More Species 4....
1、On the Origin of Species, by Charles DarwinLONDON:JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET.1859.CONTENTS.INTRODUCTION.* CHAPTER 1. VARIATION UNDER DOMESTICATION.Causes of Variability.Effects of Habit.Correlation of Growth.Inheritance.Character of Domestic Varieties.Difficulty of distinguishing between Varietie 2...
内容提示: The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin --- Next Chapter --- Chapter 1 - Variation Under Domestication ---
默INTRODUCTIONThe Origin of Species by Charles Darwin Introduction WHEN on board H.M.S. Beagle, as naturalist, I was much struck with certain facts in the distribution of the inhabitants of South America, and in the geological relations of the present to the past inhabitants of that continent...
2007LEO创作的外语有声书作品The Origin Of Species物种起源,目前已更新2个声音,收听最新音频章节Chapter 1 part 1。主播寄语:本人初中刚毕业…可能读的不大好有读错的单词还请多多批评指正谢谢!更...
✓ p80 Sum up of chapter 2 ✓ Chapter3 ✓ Darwin put forward the idea that struggle for life leads varieties to species. Since only the fittest varieties can survive, when their features are passed down to offsprings, the varieties actually deviate more and more from the original species...
speciesorigin物种英文版起源varieties OntheOriginofSpecies,byCharlesDarwin LONDON: JOHNMURRAY,ALBEMARLESTREET. 1859. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. *CHAPTER1.VARIATIONUNDERDOMESTICATION. CausesofVariability. EffectsofHabit. CorrelationofGrowth. Inheritance. CharacterofDomesticVarieties. DifficultyofdistinguishingbetweenVarietie...
所属专辑:(完)On the Origin of Species 喜欢下载分享 声音简介 Chapter XIII: Geographical Distribution--continued13.1 Fresh-Water Productions --- 00:0013.2 On The Inhabitants Of Oceanic Islands --- 12:0213.3 Absence Of Batrachians And Terrestrial Mammals On Oceanic Islands --- 21:5813.4 On The...