There had been mad wilful rejections, monstrous forms of self-torture and self-denial, whose origin was fear and whose result was a degradation infinitely more terrible than that fancied degradation from which, in their ignorance, they had sought to escape; Nature, in her wonderful irony...
2 origin of it is not clear, but the ancient Chinese people 3 (credit) their own wisdom to Leizu, wife of the Yellow Emperor, as the inventor of sericulture (养蚕业). The style and texture (质地) of silk are 4 (variety). Hangluo satin from Hangzhou,Zhejiang province, is famous for...
12 Pt. SAE & Metric Combination Wrenches - Satin click to view Open-End Wrenches - SAE & Metric click to view Pipe Wrenches—Heavy-duty Design click to view Next Previous Next or, view all products 03 testimonials Joseph says I use Wright tools on pressure transducers for aerospace testing....
5) the origin of civil law 民法溯源6) track down the origin; trace to the source fs 追本溯源 例句>> 补充资料:中国传统丝绸 中国历代制作的用桑蚕丝作原料的织物。它富有光泽,手感滑爽,轻柔适体,是高级服饰用料。中国是用桑蚕丝织绸最早的国家,自古即以"丝国"(seres)闻名于世。现代已有多种化纤...
1. 起源(origin) 鸟类的起源主要有三种,分别是爬行动物(reptile)中的小型恐龙、爬行动物中的槽齿类(Thecodont)和爬行动物中的鳄类(Crocodilia)。 我们先来看第一种起源——爬行动物中的小型恐龙(small-sized dinosaur) 最早提出这种...
What is the origin of the figure of Satan? Satan's origins can be traced to Abrahamic religions, with varying interpretations and roles within each tradition. 11 What makes satin suitable for formal attire? Its smooth texture and elegant sheen make satin a popular choice for formal and evening...
She looked down at the tip of the little satin boot that peeped from her long draperies. "I used to care immensely too: my life was full of such things. But now I want to try not to." "You want to try not to?" "Yes: I want to cast off all my old life, to becom...
100%Cotton Satin 4/1 Fabric Camouflage Fabric for The Middle East Military Style Uniform, Find Details and Price about Camouflage Fabric Tear Proof Camouflage Cloth from 100%Cotton Satin 4/1 Fabric Camouflage Fabric for The Middle East Military Style...
[C13: from Old Frenchbulter, probably of Germanic origin; compare Old High Germanbūtilbag] ˈbolter,ˈboultern Bolt (bəʊlt) n 1.(Biography)Robert(Oxton). 1924–95, British playwright. His plays includeA Man for All Seasons(1960) and he also wrote a number of screenplays ...
droit à l'éducation permanente. L'Université du troisième âge (U3A) constate une réponse à la demande d'éducation émanant de la population âgée. L'article présente une esquisse des origines de ce mouvement en Europe et de sa diffusion en Amérique du Nord ainsi qu'en Australie...