66. The origin of Chinese music can date back to ancient times. A complete musical theory and sophisticated musical instruments began to appear in China, owing largely to the traditional music advocated by Confucius. Vocal music and instrumental music are the body of Chinese music, composed and ...
Music as an art of motion detected in intonations: relation of this definition of B. Asaf'ev to ideas of movement expressed by authors of different epochs (Heraclitus; St Augustine, who describes music as the science of moving well ( scientia bene movendi ); A. Losev, who considers ...
doi:10.1177/1029864917738130Richard ParncuttRobert ChuckrowSAGE PublicationsSage UK: London, England
originstorysaysthattheveryfirsttanghuluonlyhadtwo haws—asmalloneonthetopandabigonebelow,makingitresembleahulu,abringerofgood luck. Withsourhawsandsweetsugar,thetasteof tanghuluisacombinationofflavors,whichoften 50. (remind)peopleoftheirhappy childhoods. F Ataveryyoungage,OindrilaBasuhadno ideaof51. to...
根据第一段The ancient Greek philosopher Plato said,"Music is a moral law.It gives soul to the universe,wings to the mind,flight to the imagination,and charm and joy to life and to everything."古希腊哲学家柏拉图说:"音乐是一种...
grash of number grasp grab the opport grasp its true meanin grasp the future grasped-took hold of grasping forceps for grass graze grass clearing grass origin theory grass root industry r grass snakes grass sod grass stunt grass-flower grass-roots campaign grass-roots family grass-roots unit gr...
我们可能会想,可以简单地重新定义 "审美判断",使它指的是任何将审美属性看做某一对象的谓语(is predicated of an object)的判断。但这需要我们不涉及它的直观可掌握性(immediately graspable),也要说出审美属性是什么。这一点似乎没有人做到。我们似乎可以简单地重新定义 "审美判断",使它指的是某些判断,在这些...
theory (ˈθiəri)–pluralˈtheories–noun 1.an idea or explanation which has not yet been proved to be correct.There are many theories about the origin of life;In theory, I agree with you, but it would not work in practice.teoría ...
1) the grammar of music 音乐的基本原理2) origin of music 音乐的本原 1. Through the discussion on the following three aspects:the reckoning of the methods of music analysis triggered by the origin of music;the enlightenment of the modern psychology bringing to the methods of music analysis;...