The tectonic origin of the Bay of Bengal and Bangladesh. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth 121, 4836-4851.Talwani, M., Desa, M.A., Ismaiel, M., Sree Krishna, K., 2016. The tectonic origin of the Bay of Bengal and Bangladesh. J. Geophys. Res., Solid Earth 121, 4836-4851. https...
Postsanatorium pattern of antituberculous drug resistance in the Canadian-born population of western Canada: effect of outpatient care and immigration. Concurrent with the shift in tuberculosis case management from sanatorium to outpatient setting was a shift in the continent of origin (Europe to Asia...
Only sex-workers coming from 77% of the countries have financial gains with migration and average gains decrease with the GDPc of the country of origin. Our results suggest that high-end sex-worker migration is regulated by economic, geographic and cultural aspects....
The change in the rules of origin of the European Union's generalized preferential system (EU-GSP) has made Bangladesh more attractive. The McKinsey report points out that the rapid growth of the garment industry in Bangladesh has attracted new customers. Countries in the region also wish to en...
(stem mustard)3. B. junceahas a wide geographic range as native plants, adapted crops and introduced weeds, spanning the continents of Asia, Europe, Africa, America and Australia4.B. junceais an important oilseed crop in India, Bangladesh, China and Ukraine, and is recently also gaining ...
Previous genetic studies have suggested a strong separation ofP. falciparumpopulations between the western and eastern parts of Southeast Asia (w-GMS ande-GMS)18. Thew-GMS includes Bangladesh, Myanmar, western and southern Thailand, while thee-GMS includes the core GMS including Cambodia, Laos and...
Developing aquaculture of Small Native Species (SNS) in Bangladesh: village level agroecological change and the availability of SNS Small native species (SNS) of fish are important source of protein and income for rural people in Bangladesh. A rapid rural appraisal study was carried out... Mazumd...
1.(Placename) a republic in S Asia, on the Arabian Sea: the Union of Pakistan, formed in 1947, comprised West and East Pakistan; East Pakistan gained independence as Bangladesh in 1971 and West Pakistan became Pakistan; a member of the Commonwealth from 1947, it withdrew from 1972 until ...
It originates from the Chinese patriotic campaign against imperialism i.e. the May Fourth Movement in 1919. In December 1949, the Government Administration Council officially announced May 4 to be Youth Day of the People's Republic of China. Exhibition and exchange on Chinese art opens in ...
Sufficient information is available to confirm the anti-infective role of bioactive compounds of natural origin. For centuries, the use of herbal drugs has been extensively recommended to modulate various opportunistic infections. Flavonoids isolated from ethnopharmacologically established plants are considered...