Pierre A. CoulombeKelsie M. BernotChang-Hun LeeJason E. Schaffer
The channels through which “qi” flows from the organs to tissues are called meridians, and it is along the meridians where most acupuncture needle points are located. In other words, the needles work by repairing damages to the infrastructure of our bodies, to ensure that the life force ene...
美 英 un.人体组织器官 英汉 un. 1. 人体组织器官
and plants have photosynthetic and absorptive organs. Reproductive organs are common to both animals and plants. Functionally complementary organs are united into systems that ensure the principal life functions of the organism. Each organ usually consists of a number of tissues, each of which performs...
6 器官(Organs)生命的结构层次继续展开,当我们探索复杂生物体的结构时。这片羽扇豆叶子(由六片小叶组成)是器官的一个例子,器官是由多种组织(Tissues)组成并在身体中具有特定功能的身体部分。叶子、茎和根是植物的主要器官。在一个器官内,每种组织都有独特的排列方式,并对器官的功能贡献特定7...
Organs are collections of tissues that work together for a common goal, explained Lisa M.J. Lee, an associate professor in the Department of Cell & Developmental Biology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. “Every organ provides a function for human performance or survival,” she...
genital system,reproductive system- organs and tissues involved in the production and maturation of gametes and in their union and subsequent development as offspring genital organ,genitalia,genitals,private parts,privates- external sex organ female internal reproductive organ- the reproductive organs of a...
Bacteriocytes or mycetocytes together form bacteriomes or mycetomes, which are specialized organs in some insects that house the symbionts. Blastulae Hollow spheres of cells surrounding a cavity of fluid, comprising the early stages in the development of embryos. Ovipositor The tube-like organ ...
02 纵隔mediastinum 纵隔是两侧纵隔胸膜间全部器官、结构和结缔组织的总称。解剖学常用四分法将纵隔分为上、下纵隔。下纵隔又分为前、中、后纵隔。 The mediastinum is the general name of all organs, structures and connective tissues between the ple...
In recent year,there are some problems about the tissues and organs separated from human-body which come from medical activities,such as medical waste disposal,organ transplantation,embryonic stem cell research,pathological study specimen.They are not only things with legal attribute,but also emotional...