The Ordinary is your destination for Skincare, Makeup, Hair, and Body solutions. Discover clinical formulations with integrity.
TheOrdinary_Official 2024-12-27 18:00 来自微博网页版 就像切开的苹果暴露在空气中会变黄,我们的皮肤也会发生氧化反应,而抗氧化成分,是保护皮肤,抵御周遭环境损伤的秘密武器。🌟我们的抗氧化明星产品🌟✅ 0.1%EUK134精华是一款油状精华液,拥有优秀的抗氧化力。EUK通过模拟皮肤中天然存在的两种强效抗氧化剂...
收到了@TheOrdinary_Official 礼盒,今天有咖啡喝了,美滋滋!咖啡因眼精华我用空好多瓶了,这两瓶就在评论抽奖送给大家吧~
无论是护肤新手,还是尝试The Ordinary新产品,我们重新配方的2%透明质酸 + B5都是任何护肤程序中的基本配置。这款轻盈的精华液适合所有肤质,能在使用的当下,立即为肌肤提供丰盈保湿,使肌肤更柔软、更光滑、更健康——它与其他所有产品都能很好地搭配使用。使用说明:...
TheOrdinary_Official 20-10-31 23:56 来自微博视频号 已编辑 尾款人们,The Ordinary今日官宣!每一瓶都清晰标注着成分百分比,公开透明;每一个浓度百分号都代表了我们的诚意,只有真浓度,才敢透明。你确定不来了解一下#TO百分号精华#吗?无论你是成分小白,还是护肤达人,即日起至11月11日,关注@TheOrdinary_Official...
4.SASA– If you’ve been to Hong Kong then you probably know this store. If the US has Sephora while South Korea has Olive Young, Hong Kong has Sasa. Besides Korean beauty products, they also sell Japanese and Western beauty brands like The Ordinary. You can find them inLazadaandShopee...
经过漫长的准备,The Ordinary终于来了!关注@TheOrdinary_Official,参与置顶微博互动,明星礼遇等你来赢,快跟我们一起分享The Ordinary非比寻常的美好#这很TO# @TheOrdinary_Official #这很TO#嗨,The Ordinary单独开通微博咯!我们源自加拿大,一直以来都在坚持做“有诚意的成分美妆”。你,有听说过我们吗?对The Ordinar...
(The Ordinary) products, I noticed that the products they had listed conflicted with what the official Deciem website suggests. Ex, I have the Glycolic Acid toning solution and the “Buffet” serum. I entered them in the app and it pre-filtered my routine with them in even though the ...
The Ordinary Wella Professionals A-Z of brands Trending Now 24/7 Wellness Social Stars Head Health Beauty Team Loves CTAs x3 Discover Face + Body Dr. Jart+ Premium beautyBrands Top Brands A-Z of brands adidas Nike Stradivarius Mango Dr Martens Reclaimed Vintage New Balance Kaiia Premium Brands...
In Africa, refusal of COVID-19 and other vaccines is widespread for different reasons, including disbelief in the existence of the virus itself and faith in traditional remedies. In sub-Saharan countries, refusal is often made worse by opposition to vacc