目前The Ordinary的产品都是主打比较常见的成分,比如烟酰胺、A醇、角鲨烷、各类胜肽等。其他品牌主打这些...
In case you aren’t aware, Natural Moisturizing Factors (NMF) are elements that keep the outer layer of the skin protected and well-hydrated. The Ordinary moisturizer replenishes the NMF with 11 amino acids, phospholipids, alpha/beta/gamma fatty acids, triglycerides, sterols and sterol esters, ...
surface hydrator, whileNatural Moisturizing Factors + PhytoCeramidesis our most nourishing moisturizer, with nearly 4x as highly concentrated emollients and 2x as highly concentrated humectants. For those who prefer a lightweight moisturizer to add hydration, considerNatural Moisturizing Factors + Beta ...
Is The Ordinary Vitamin C Suspension 23% + HA Spheres 2% the dud in the line? I've put it to the test to find out.
The Ordinary Granactive Retinoid 2% Emulsion promises to give you better anti-aging results than retinol without the side effects. Does it deliver?
hi, i have congested acne on my cheeks. and break out alot. the acne is bothering me so much and totally killing my confidence. would love what you have to say about my routine. i only just started using the ordinary range for that last 3 days. ...
@moon2333:The Ordinary NMF天然保湿面霜 听说是无油配方我就买了,但其实这个霜质地是稍微有点厚重的,应该是属于cream而不是moisturizer的那种。刚挤出来的时候感觉和丝塔芙那个最普通的霜看起来和摸起来是差不多的,刚涂上的时候感觉有点腻,我还担心来着。不过成膜以后其实并不油,也不会像那种比较油的面霜一样...