TheOrdinary B5补水精华,性价比超高的补水产品 TheOrdinary HyaluronicAcid2%+B5透明质酸补水精华2%透明质酸维他命B5补水精华中: 透明质酸以2%的配比浓度溶于**配方中,达到深层补水效果。 添加B5,来增强表面补水,许多产品使用HA并具有补水功效,使肌肤感到柔软湿润,深度补水确实不错哦。 主要功效是保湿补水、舒缓、修...
是否在涂抹润肤品前使用Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5 2%透明质酸+B5? 可自行决定。若是油性皮肤,可不再涂抹其他润肤品;若是干皮,建议厚涂润肤品。 Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5 2%透明质酸+B5能否搭配其他产品使用? 可以。本品作精华打底使用,可优化其他护肤品的吸收效果。 玻尿酸 透明质酸 护肤 The Ordinary 赞...
一、The Ordinary产品功效说起TheOrdinary这个牌子的各种“猛药”的效果,真是让人爱不释手,成分简单直接,效果明显不兜圈子。唯一缺点可能是她家产品的肤感和味道一般,就像它的各种名字以及效果一样简单直接。话不多说,让我们先来盘点The Ordinary五大功效及上榜产品。 小兔_小鹿 天才水 12 • 美白抗氧化类Vitami...
Ordinary hyaluronic acid has a linear structure. Basically, it's a series of atoms that form an almost straight line. At high concentrations, the linear molecules of hyaluronic acid come together to form what's known as a cross-linked structure. ...
Product DescriptionHyaluronic acid helps skin stretch and flex and reduces skin wrinkles and lines. Hyaluronic acid is also proven to help wounds heal faster and can reduce scarring The 'Ordinary' Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5 Hydration Support Formula 30ml info: We aim to show...
三好一直认为The Ordinary虽然是平价药妆产品,但由于其产品的成分基本都属于复配简单但浓度高的“原料桶”...
【考拉海购】 【品牌直供】The Ordinary 2%透明质酸精华 维他命B5补水精华 Hyaluronic Acid 2% B5 30毫升 ¥69 更新于刚刚 收入文章 收藏 0 直达链接 历史价 最高75.00元 最低68.00元 by 海淘网haitao.com18.7.2118.9.2218.11.518.11.618.11.1418.11.1718.11.1918.11.2218.11.2718.12.319.6.2919.6.2967.57072....
The Ordinary’s Azelaic Acid Suspension 10% Azelaic acid is another multi-tasking ingredient that can help with rosacea and acne. Derived from grains, this nifty acid has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-bacterial and keratolytic benefits. Research has also shown that azelaic acid can also hel...
Hyaluronic Acid Do you know Hyaluronic Acid works? Learn more about its key features and skin benefits here. Read More Slowvemberiscoming. Skincare worth waiting for. Sign Up Skincare worth waiting for. Slowvember is coming. Be the first to know. ...
This ingredient is found in many products from The Ordinary and for a good reason. Niacinamide, which is also known as vitamin b3 has several benefits that are proven effective to the skin – especially to those who are suffering from acne and oily skin. ...