主要针对中低端消费群体,突出产品的功效和价格优势,所以会牺牲产品的使用感,完全对得起The Ordinary(平...
The Ordinary Lactic acid is a gentler and more hydrating alternative to glycolic acid, and I’ve been recommending The Ordinary Lactic Acid 10% + HA ever since it came out. (Before that, Lotion P50 was basically the only option... and it’s over 10 times the price!) This is a water...
The Ordinaty 最近可是在美妆网站大火的护肤品牌,这个以“平价”和“高效”著称的加拿大护肤品牌专攻各种成分清晰,作用显著的功能性护肤产品,十几款精华产品都以高浓度有效成分和简明扼要的成分表让人感叹“简单粗暴又好用”,同时价格还很接地气。 这款The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% 去角质化妆水是TO家具有代表性...
The Ordinaty 最近可是在美妆网站大火的护肤品牌,这个以“平价”和“高效”著称的加拿大护肤品牌专攻各种成分清晰,作用显著的功能性护肤产品,十几款精华产品都以高浓度有效成分和简明扼要的成分表让人感叹“简单粗暴又好用”,同时价格还很接地气。 这款The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% 去角质化妆水是TO家具有代表性...
The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7%甘醇酸化妆水,这里比官网便宜5p,满£15包邮英国:http://t.cn/RFyxyMq
The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% Exfoliating Toner 100ml 品质保证 专属客服 先行赔付 服务店铺负责发货&售后 · 货款直接给商家 商品评价 暂无评价 该商品所属店铺评价 查看全部 质量很好(107) 很划算(42) 易于使用(25) 清香四溢(24) 清洁干净(19)
but just in case you haven’t, The Ordinary Peeling Solution is by far the brand’s most buzzed-about product. It’s a 10 minute exfoliating facial that includes a total of 30% alpha hydroxy acids (glycolic, lactic, tartaric, and citric acid) and 2% beta hydroxy acid (salicylic acid)....
The Ordinary Hair Care Natural Moisturising Factors and HA 60ml £14.00 Total Price: £34.80 Other Customers Bought 4.24 stars out of a maximum of 5 238 £20.80 QUICK BUY QUICK BUY The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% Exfoliating Toner 240ml ...
它是the ordinary所有酸类里算得上是比较温和的一款霜了,面霜质地,长期使用可以祛除闭口(所有酸都可以),提亮肤色。 如果你是敏感肌,又想刷酸,可以试试入手壬二酸,它真的太温和啦。 就是质地有点搓泥,其他都挺好的。 17.乳酸 + 2%透明质酸精华 Lactic Acid 5% + HA 2% 乳酸有两种,一种是5%乳酸,一种10...
For best results, it is recommended to follow sun protection guidance due to increased skin sensitivity to sunlight after use. The Ordinary Tip: To maximize the benefits of glycolic acid, consider incorporating the toner into your evening routine, and always follow with an SPF product during the...