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Suited toAll Skin Types FormatMoisturizer: Cream Key ingredients Sodium Hyaluronate, Arginine, Sodium PCA, PCA, Lactates, Lactic Acid, and Minerals Overview Discover if this product is right for you: Build my regimen Product Details Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA is an effective moisturizer desig...
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The Ordinary 天然保湿因子 + 透明质酸保湿面霜 30ml Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA天然保湿因子+透明质酸保湿面霜,清爽不油腻,特别添加健康肌肤所含有的天然保湿复合物。 本产品即刻补水、长效保湿,有效防止肌肤水分流失;及时补充从肌肤逐渐流失的天然保湿复合物,让肌肤自然保持健康水润。 主要成分: 天然保湿因子:...
【Feelunique CN】 The Ordinary 天然保湿因子 + 透明质酸乳液 30ml 保湿补水 Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA 30ml ¥444.90英镑 汇率9.077更新于1639天前 收入文章0直达链接 天然保湿因子(NMF)是保护皮肤外层并充分补水的要素。NMF由多种氨基酸、脂肪酸、甘油三酯、尿素、神经酰胺、磷脂、甘油、糖类、钠羟基皮酪...
The Ordinary Natural Moisturising Factors + HA 30ml Providing a direct topical supplement of Natural Moisturising Factor (often impaired in parched, thirsty skin) components, this non-greasy cream offers both immediate hydration and lasting results with continued use. NMFs are made up of multiple amin...
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