Modified Swern Reagent The standard Swernoxidation employing DMSO results in the formation of dimethyl sulfide, which isa toxic volatile liquid (b.p. 38 C) with an unpleasant smell. This can beavoided by using other sulfoxides that generate sulfides lacking volatility. Useful alternatives include: ...
地道的说法是fluctuate in line with market condition,用了fluctuate就有“波动,起伏不定”的感觉,而in line with 就有“和..保持一致”的意思,大家看例句: Companies that fluctuate their prices in line with market conditions are better equipped to h...
...dividends dampen the volatility of a stock’s price.(10-20年不间断、不断增长的派息,使股价稳定、不大起大落。) However, the risk of paying too high a price for good-quality stocks—while a real one—is not the chief hazard confronting the average buyer of securities...the chief losse...
ivy league alumni sta ivy matsepe cassaburr ivy shanghai ivintelligent vehicle ivimplied volatility iwaana iwafunecho iwamotochŌ iwamotomachi iwano nakajima iwao mantaro iwaokacho nishiwaki iwas kinda supposed t iwata mitsuo iwatch q622 iwgmg iwillstopeatingbooger iwisa kaizer chiefs iwka group ...
:This paper examines the roles of the number of trades, size of trades, and order imbalance (buyer- versus seller-initiated trades) in explaining the volatility-volume relation for a sample of NYSE and Nasdaq stocks. Our results reconfirm the significance of the size of trades, beyond that of...
6. obsolete flying or capable of flight; volant n 7. (Chemistry) a volatile substance 8. rare a winged creature [C17: from Latin volātīlis flying, from volāre to fly] ˈvolatileness, volatility n Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins ...
Volatility is a metric that measures the magnitude of the change in prices in a security. Generally speaking, the higher the volatility—and, therefore, the risk—the greater the reward. If volatility is low, options' premium is low as well. Before making a trade, it's generally ...
fluoreszin fluorexone fluoride propellant p fluoride volatility p fluorides dosing and fluorite fluor fluorite pneumoconisi fluoro ectrophotometr fluoro-manganese-comp fluorocarbon paint fluorofentanyl fluoroglass dosimeter fluorohafnate fluorol fluoronatedethylene-p fluorophore fluorosilicatesfluoro fluorosis...
Implied volatilityis the level of volatility embedded in the option price. Generally speaking, the bigger the stock gyrations, the higher the level of implied volatility. Most stocks have different levels of implied volatility for different strike prices. That can be seen in Tables 1 and 3. Exp...
control toy control transaction control valves control volatility th control wire netting control manual controlcascade control-force reversa control-line passage control-rod actuator control-tower visibil controlblockecb controlcamforaheadast controlcardstack controlchannelcch controlflow controllable drilling co...