They speak of one in particular, which was so violent that it burned even the roots of the plants, and spread throughout the known world, as far as the Empire of Cathay; had it been one degree more virulent, it might perhaps have destroyed the entire human race in a single day.…… ...
Adj.1.Franciscan- of or relating to Saint Francis of Assisi or to the order founded by him; "Franciscan monks" Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Translations Spanish / Español ...
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is the fifth book in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter book series. It was one of the most widely-anticipated books of the series, since there was a wait of three years between it and the previous book, Goblet of Fire. At 38 chapters, it is ...
Sensing imminent death in the spring of 1643, King Louis XIII decided to put his affairs in order for his four-year-old son Louis XIV. Not trusting the judgement of his Spanish wife Queen Anne, who would normally have become the sole regent of France, the king decreed that a regency cou...
Scientists in the Service of Consciousness – A New Perspective The intelligence, talent and genius of scientists is exploited by the politicians and should instead be used in the service of consciousness. Read More January 16,2025 The Conditioning Trap – Why Politics Can Never Make Us Free ...
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some of the some of the dharma some of your old stuf some of your water some offer geometric some oil mixture some other solid some oyster soup some people can be ba some people even thin some people go some people have said some people in diffic some people like spai some people may...
a. To achieve or gain in a game or contest: score a touchdown. b. To count or be worth as points: A basket scores two points. c. To keep a written record of the score or events of (a game or contest). d. Baseball To cause (a base runner) to cross home plate, especially by...
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