Delphic oracle,Oracle of Apollo,oracle of Delphi,Temple of Apollo- (Greek mythology) the oracle at Delphi where a priestess supposedly delivered messages from Apollo to those who sought advice; the messages were usually obscure or ambiguous
The author discusses the foundation myth of the oracle of Delphi in the hymn, suggesting that the hymn is unusual in its depiction of the god Apollo laying the foundations of the oracle by himself. The author compares the story to other literary depictions of the foundation, including the "...
The Oracle at Delphi in answer to the Emperor Julian in 362 AD, or also cited as a statement to the Emperor Theodosius I, 393 AD, or to Julian by the Oracle at Daphne. The first translation is by Peter Hoyle, Delphi [Cassell and Company, London, 1967, p.142], who cites no source...
TheOracle at Delphi,a renowned seat of prophecy in the classical world, was intimately connected with Apollo. The Greeks believed that Delphi was the site of the omphalos, or navel, of Gaia, the Earth. Stories vary, but it was at Delphi that Apollo slew the serpent Python, or alternately,...
Apollo's Oracle TheOracle at Delphi,a renowned seat of prophecy in the classical world, was intimately connected with Apollo. The Greeks believed that Delphi was the site of the omphalos, or navel, of Gaia, the Earth. Stories vary, but it was at Delphi that Apollo slew the serpent Python...
noun Greek mytha king of Athens who sacrificed one of his daughters because the oracle at Delphi said this was the only way to win the war against the Eleusinians “Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 ...
Ancient World Now: Delphi and Thebes March 22, 2016 Listen to my podcast on Delphi:Episode #19: The Oracle at Delphi CROSSROADS OF THEBES On the way to Delphi today we stopped at the place where Oedipus and Laius met on the road. ...
Indeed, some mountains even have distinct personalities. They are retreats where men go to contemplate meaning and to seek answers by ascending the limits of their physical and mental heights. The Oracle at Delphi, located in the mountainous Phocis province of central Greece, remains a sacred site...
Four days after his birth, Apollo killed the chthonic dragon Python, which lived in Delphi beside the Castalian Spring. This was the spring which emitted vapors that caused the oracle at Delphi to give her prophecies. Hera sent the serpent to hunt Leto to her death across the world. To pro...
(also known as Moschians.) His reign was not unremarkable. Among his numerous contributions to Greek society, one could count the majestic throne that he donated to the Oracle at Delphi, Apollo's prophetic seat. This magnificent throne was of unparalleled quality and elevated the stature of ...