敞开的门 The Open Door 宣传片 - 国家城市形象 三咂 制片人 新片场汇聚全球原创优质视频及创作人,提供4K、无广告、无水印视频观看,专业的视频艺术学习教程,正版视觉素材交易等,与百万创作人一起成长,用作品打动世界 APP 网站导航 视频素材 音乐素材 图片素材 关于 关于我们 加入我们 使用帮助 用户协议 活动 ...
open doors To create an opportunity for employment or advancement in one's career.Not all of us have a rich father who can open doors at companies around the world—some of us had to work to get where we are. See also:door,open ...
又名Open the Door, Please 编剧 Joana Hadj...Khalil Jor...主演 Maxime JuravliovBernard LapèneLucie PichonGilbert Traina 演职人员(15) Joana Hadjithomas 导演 编剧 Khalil Joreige 导演 编剧 Yann Le Gal 编剧 Maxime Juravliov 演员 Bernard Lapène 演员 Lucie Pichon 演员 Gilbert Traina ...
导演 周阁 又名Don't Open The Door 主演 徐立曲少石杨珑刘金刘著 剧情 伴随着声声尖叫,尘封已久的传说被开启,不可逆转的诅咒,使得平静的酒店再一次被恐怖笼... 导赏 让人不寒而栗的真相 视频(1) 01:16 预告片 《别开门》曝先导预告片 离奇故事背后的惊悚 ...
opened the door to the likes of a variety of studio tentpoles ranging from the live-action fairy tale of Disney's "Cinderella" to the murder mystery of Agatha Christie in "Murder on the Orient Express." But with his latest film, "Belfast," Branagh has crafted his most personal film yet...
Thirty-one years before it was a Netflix series, She’s Gotta Have It was the daring comedy that launched Spike Lee's career and became a landmark in America's emerging independent film scene. Filmed on a tight budget on black-and-white stock, this Lee joint centers on Nola Dar...
AI technology recreated the appearance of martial arts star Jackie Chan when he was in his twenties. Zhang Mo presented works created by young creators using AI technology, wishing filmmakers promising future of the film industry. Singer Liu Yuxin performed OPEN THE DOOR TO THE WORLD, expressing ...
open (ˈəʊpən) adj 1. not closed or barred: the door is open. 2. affording free passage, access, view, etc; not blocked or obstructed: the road is open for traffic. 3. not sealed, fastened, or wrapped: an open package. 4. having the interior part accessible: an ...
Starring not-yet-famous James Taylor and Beach Boys drummer Dennis Wilson, "Two-Lane Blacktop" (1971) is an existential film that cruises the open road to …
A traumatic event—a suicide attempt—creates a rift in the family’s everyday life. Their lives fundamentally change, as if they are waging a war invisible to everyone else. The source of the story is autobiographical, it is addressed in the film and highlighted by the fact that the autho...