KJV Commentary Bible is a FREE and Offline Bible. Read the Bible with Audio, Many Reading Plans, Bible Quizzes, Bible Dictionary, Bible Quotes and much more. Download Now! KJV Commentary Bible the best Application to carry God’s Word. Have the Holy Bible at your fingertips anytime and ...
This app is available only on the App Store for iPhone and iPad.VerseWise Bible KJV 4+ King James Version VDUB Software, LLC Free Screenshots iPhone iPad Description VerseWise Bible® (King James Version) is the Bible (with optional deuterocanon) at your fingertips. It is optimized for ...
Only one option (the one actually selected) does not have the `%` comment character in front of it. If you are currently working on a book in the `BBE` translation, leave the `main.tex` file in the above form. When you want to switch to, say, the UKJV, you will use the ...
i could only leave i could remember my f i could rest my head i could tell from one i could try you rock i couldnt help myself i couldnt make colors i couldn ride a bike i count every step to i covered it the best i cried and pleased i cross myheart i crouched i d never ...
"But these sectarians... did not call themselves Christians, but "Natsarim," ... However they are simply complete Jews. They use not only the New Testament but the Old Testament as well, as the Jews do... They have no different ideas, but confess everything exactly as the Law proclai...
“token,” KJV) of this covenant was circumcision. Hopefully I don’t need to go into describing what circumcision is, because that could get uncomfortable for some people. Suffice it to say, biologically, this circumcision can only be done on males. And it was to be done when the male ...
The Mother of God is warning Catholics not to fall for Masonic Lord/Satan worship. This jealous, war-making, 666 fire manifestation shown only to the Freemason Initiate Moses, is not the God of Heaven. Attending Vatican II church services which cause you to worship the hallowed name of the...
While I can’t ultimately judge Rick Warren’s heart, (only God can) I can be sure that Rick Warren has the same choice to make as all of the rest of us. A. Trust in the global elite who think they know what is best for mankind B. Put your hope and trust in God through His...
“One closing thought to keep in mind: There is method and reason to every decree I have judiciously ordained since the beginning of time, to accomplish My will according to My sovereignty. I AM the Almighty, all-wise God, your Heavenly Father.” ...
further punishment for his wretched offense. Erec meets a maiden named Enide, he gives her the honor to hold a hawk that only the most beautiful woman in the land can do and then brings her back to King Arthur’s court where an even greater honor is bestowed upon her – publicly ...