The Only Thing Social media can destroy you. Especially when you’re a fading celebrity who’s drunk and looking for attention and has a decently-cropped picture with Tom Hanks. This original work of fiction is the best argument yet for hiding your phone when you’re drinking—especially in...
The only downside of the balls is that the yellow plastic rubs off and sticks on the inner surface of the acrylic pipes. So the crystal clear pipes get dull over time, which is a bit, well, dull. The container above the visitors’ heads The transparent pipe system is connected to a co...
Kallo is a multi-LLM GenAI tool, where users can not only try different models but they can do so with their friends within the same chat. Outside of the collaborative nature of Kallo, we have an API that others can build atop. If you want to try out different AI models, with a ni...
If you don't want any text in the answers and the only thing you need is code, use the Q option when starting the stealth mode. You: Hi! | $ --shell python She: Hi! |> stealth Q She: Are you ready for a small interview? | stealth: you are in the ...
This photo editor can work not only with PSD files (Photoshop-native format), but it also supports XCF, Sketch, XD and CDR files. This means you can use it in combination with Photoshop, GIMP, Adobe XD and CorelDRAW.No need to say that such simple extensions as png, jpg, bmp, gif,...
We have no idea which one is the funniest GIF on the internet, but we tried to come up with few decent contesters for this title.
• Find the perfect GIF from the world's largest library of animated GIFs & Clips! All the power of GIPHY is in your hands. What are you waiting for?! EXPLORE • From all your favorites like HBO, Drake, Rihanna, Comedy Central and MTV, discover the world of pop culture – memes,...
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