“The only good King is a Burger King”,翻译过来就是“唯一的好王”是汉堡王。一下子就把围观群众给逗乐了,空气中弥漫着快活的气息:建议严查这位举牌的哥们嗷,我严重怀疑这是汉堡王派来的奸细,专门来搞破坏的!我为什么会这么说呢,因为英国汉堡王早在查尔斯登基前,就开始“搞事情”了。首先,他们在推特...
只是,在一片由米字旗所构造的欢乐海洋里,你会突然看到一块突兀的标语牌,上面画着一个汉堡王的LOGO,而在LOGO上方,竟写着这样一段话:唯一的好国王,就是汉堡王(“The only good King is a Burger King”)!比起查尔斯国王,英国人可能还真的更喜欢汉堡王。国王戴冠,网民狂欢 实际上,这已经不是汉堡王第...
当天有不少英国人在街头高喊“Not my King(不是我的国王)”进行抗议,反对君主立宪制。在人群当中,甚至有人高举标语:The only GOODKING is a Burger King(唯一的好王是汉堡王)。甚至还有把查尔斯加冕王冠P成汉堡王王冠的。哈哈哈哈,整活越来越离谱了喂!其实本来在加冕典礼前,英国汉堡王就已经准备蹭英国国王...
[笑cry][笑cry][笑cry]“The only good King is a BURGER KING” 唯一好的国王是“汉堡王”! “汉堡王”是不是要给这位走上街头,抗议查尔斯三世正式加冕英国国王的英国民众“支付一下广告费”啊[doge][doge][doge]
作者: 英国人游行反对查尔斯,国内宣传成英国人反对君主制。 The only good king is a Burger King 可不可以翻译成:民以食为天
“The only good king is a Burger King.” 唯一好的王,是汉堡王。 也有抗议者身穿黄色衬衫,上面印着: “not my king” (“不是我的国王”)。 也有人会说:“Diana is my queen”(“戴安娜才是我的女王”)。 这些口号也从侧面反映,“君主制”(monarchy)在英国造成的社会撕裂。 欢迎留言告诉我们:你怎么...
ai will pay for yourtick ok 我将支付yourtick ok[translate] athe only food u can get is burger king, mcdonald and etc if that is youre not too late the only food u can get is burger king, mcdonald and etc if that is youre not too late[translate]...
He understands what is inside his woman. JAN He reminded me... RAINEY I know. Go to WIDE SHOT: Jan and Rainey remaining as they were. FOREGROUND: Seagulls GLIDE THROUGH FRAME. CHAPTER 2: ADOLESCENCE DISSOLVE TO: 48 EXT. CASCADE RANGE - DAY 48 MUSIC OVER: Joe Henry’s King’s High...
there was just me and there was music in th there was no king bef there was no time fo there was nothing we there was someone in there were doornobs a there were lots of in there were millions o there were only a few there will always be there will be tomorro there will not be...
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