We gottheWarriors,thePreps andthe Onesinthehouse tonight, baby. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 The Oneé uma canção da banda Foo Fighters e lançado como single em 2002. "The One" is a song by Foo Fighters, released as a single in 2002. ...
The ancient ones lived on a planet very different from the one we live on.” Gli antichi vivevano su un pianeta molto diverso dal nostro.» Literature You're the one living on the street. E'lei a dormire su un marciapiede. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Why did the living ones come ...
UPnP, and even Samba devices to stream content from your phone throughout your home. If you have a Chromecast, LocalCast lets you rotate and zoom pictures on the fly, and it’s also integrated with Opensubtitles.org, letting you quickly download subtitles for movies and so on as ...
http://www.opensubtitles.org/. Sketch Engine features designed for learner corpora are described in Kosem et al. (2013). For general information on learner corpora seehttp://www.learnercorpusassociation.org/. The Cambridge Learner Corpus, the largest learner corpus for English, is in the Sketch...
将“the only ones"自动翻译成 法文 错误 Glosbe Translate 错误 Google Translate 类似于 "the only ones" 的短语,可翻译成 法文 you're not the only one tu n'es pas le seul they only have the bare minimum to live on ils n'ont que le strict minimum pour vivre ...
Napisy24 - Subtitles to movies and series you bought. OpenSubtitles - Another biggest library of subtitles to movies and series you bought. NapiProjekt - This is a program that tries to download the best possible subtitles for the selected [purchased] movie.Movies...
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The first ones to be sick were all Zapatista soldiers. Los primeros en enfermar, fueron soldados Zapatistas. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 She tore it open and fished out a note the same size as the first one. Abrió el sobre y sacó una nota igual que la primera. Literature The first...
OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Most of the families of the missing, in Cyprus and in Greece, continued to live with the painful uncertainty of the fate of their loved ones. 大多数居住在塞浦路斯和希腊的失踪者家庭依然生活在他们亲人的下落完全不确定的情况下。 UN-2 South Africa has unreservedly denounce...