Akagami no Shanks leads the mighty Red Hair Pirates as their chief in the New World. Red Hair Pirates is the first crew we saw (only in the manga) with one of thebest Jolly Rogers in One Piece. Currently, Shanks is one of the four emperors of the sea, along with his Yonko crew. ...
以下图源@The One Piece,版权归原作者所有 海贼王咖啡馆(The One Piece)占地 2,000 平方英尺。餐厅描绘了系列主角蒙奇·D·路飞 (Monkey D. Luffy) 和他的草帽海贼团 (Sraw Hat Crew) 的公海探险之旅,寻找终极宝藏“海贼王”。 店内菜单中的菜品灵感源自剧中人物最喜欢的食物。 菜单包括Zoro 的饭团、Taijo...
The Godfather: Directed by Francis Ford Coppola. With Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, James Caan, Richard S. Castellano. The aging patriarch of an organized crime dynasty transfers control of his clandestine empire to his reluctant son.
Luffy. But when I am, I'm gonna be a pirate captain with my own ship and a crew that will alwayshave each other's backs. We're gonna bethe greatestpiratesthe world has ever seen. Even greater than your crew. I'm gonna find the One Piece and become King of the Pirates! Greater ...
One Piece: Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island9 characters assigned One Piece: Chopper's Kingdom in the Strange Animal Island7 characters assigned One Piece: Clockwork Island Adventure8 characters assigned One Piece: Episode of East Blue: Luffy and His Four Crewmates' Great Adventure23 characters...
The last of our One Piece main characters is Jinbe, the Helsman of the Straw Hat Pirates. He steers the ship and controls the maneuverability of the ship. Jinbe was formerly one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea before joining the Straw Hat Pirates. He is the tenth member of the crew....
Blackbeard, is the leader of the Blackbeard Pirates and one of the most potent ex-Warlords. After building his crew, he was the one to become the Emperor the quickest, accomplishing so in less than two years. He is the first person in recorded history to have successfully wielded two ...
"The Pirates are Coming" is the fourth[1][2] episode of the One Piece live-action series. Luffy, Zoro, and Nami fight their way through Kaya's mansion, which has now become a prison. Usopp enlists the help of Koby, Helmeppo and the Marines. Luffy finally
A Beautiful Act of Treason! The Spy, Stussy: Stussy suddenly knocked out Lucci to the Straw Hats' surprise, and when Shaka reveals her true identity, they're stunned again. Meanwhile, a major incident occurs on an island called Sphinx where Whitebeard ca
"OVER THE TOP" is the 22nd opening of the One Piece anime and the 8th opening of the second half of the series. The opening starts with Luffy in a prison cell pulling against his chains, before the screen goes to white and "One Piece" is written in shodo