DDdrreyyrmddeearrtmmoaastctooosspccooyppwyy iwwthiitthhnonnnoon-np--ppooolallaarrriiizzzeeeddd llliiiggghhhtttooofffaaannnaaattyytpypiipcciaacllaMMl MGGUUG..UTThh. eTe hrreeeffrrraaeccfttriivvaecetppivaarerttpooaff rtthht eeof the mite (mmariittreeo((waarr)rrooiswwe))viisisdeeevvnii...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences Article Anthocyanin Attenuates Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiomyotoxicity via Estrogen Receptor-α/β and Stabilizes HSF1 to Inhibit the IGF-IIR Apoptotic Pathway Pei-Chen Huang 1,2, Wei-Wen Kuo 3, Chia-Yao Shen 4, Yu-Feng Chen 5, Yueh-Min Lin 6,7, ...
An extended linear scaling method for downscaling temperature and its implication in the Jhelum River Basin, Pakistan, and India, using CMIP5 GCMs. Theor. Appl. Climatol. 2016. [CrossRef] 23. Liu, T.; Willems, P.; Pan, X.; Bao, A.M.; Chen, X.; Veroustraete, F.; Dong, Q. ...
fCWreodrlidts ToefrWraionrlBdaTsee:rrUaSinGSB—ase: LaUnSdGSP—roLceasnsdesPrDocisetsrsibesutDedistrAibcutitveed AAcrtcihvievAe rcCheinvteerC; enDtierre;çDãoireGçãeoraGl erdaol dToeTrreirtróirtióor;ioP; Porotrutguugeuseese EnEvnivroirnomnmenetnaltaAl gAegnecnyc(yA(PAAP)Aa)...
A Viable Option for the Management of Shallow Saline Waterlogged Areas Lagudu Surinaidu 1,*, Mogali Jayaraja Nandan 1, Sanmugam Prathapar 2, Velidi Venkata Surya Gurunadha Rao 1 and Natarajan Rajmohan 3 1 CSIR—National Geophysical Research Institute (CSIR-NGRI), Hyderabad 500007, India; mj...
One program is "Bolsa Familia" which provides an economic incentive for the poorest families to keep their children in school. There has been an increase in carbohydrate-rich, fatty, low-fiber foods in the diet of people in the Tapajós River basin, and an increase in the presence of ...
Nov, a Novel Plant Associated Actinobacterium with Plant Beneficial Properties, Isolated from Saline Tolerant Pokkali Rice, Kerala, India. PLoS ONE 2016, 11, e0150322. [CrossRef] 12. Scheublin, T.R.; Leveau, J.H.J. Isolation of Arthrobacter Species from the Phyllosphere and Demonstration ...
Assessment of microcystin concentration in carp and catfish: A case study from Lakshmikund pond, Varanasi, India. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 2014, 92, 687–692. [CrossRef] 60. Papadimitriou, T.; Katsiapi, M.; Kormas, K.A.; Moustaka-Gouni, M.; Kagalou, I. Artificially-born "...
Tel.: +82-55-213-3622 Received: 9 December 2018; Accepted: 7 January 2019; Published: 11 January 2019 Abstract: This paper focuses on an analysis of tool wear and optimum machining parameter in the induction assisted milling of Inconel 718 using high heat coated carbide and uncoated carbide ...