2022 The One Show Global Creative Rankings 全球创意排名及区域创意排名由各参赛作品所获得的 One Show Pencils 金银铜铅笔奖、Merits 佳作奖、Special Awards 特别奖的累积总分计算得出。在一个榜单中计分最高的作品将被评得“年度”称号。 班...
The One Club for Creativity 近日宣布了 2022 The One Show 国际创意奖和第 101 届 ADC 年度设计大奖以及 Young Ones 国际青年创意竞赛的获奖名单。 2022 纽约国际创意周于5 月 16 日至 20 日成功举办,时隔两年让创意届在线...
One downside of making a best of 2022 video in 2022 is that I obviously hadn't had a chance to watch every movie yet. 在2022 年制作最佳 2022 年视频的一个缺点是,我显然还没有机会看完每部电影。 One such movie that doesn't release here until next month but which would probably be on ...
第50届THE ONE SHOW获奖名单公布 The One Show金铅笔奖是由美国One Club于1975年创立和主办的广告大奖,该奖项的评委都是在国际享有盛誉的精英创意总监,他们组成的强大评审团阵容,决定了这个广告奖项在广告设计、文案等方面的权威地位,它赋予广告人非凡创意的最高荣誉。今天,获得One Show 金铅笔已经成为广告创意人员职...
The 355: Directed by Simon Kinberg. With Jessica Chastain, Penélope Cruz, Bingbing Fan, Diane Kruger. When a top-secret weapon falls into mercenary hands, a wild-card C.I.A. agent joins forces with three international agents on a mission to retrieve it,
“In this way, No New Wave is not afraid to pursue a completely different tack than contemporaries. This befits the plot, given that in many ways, the characters of the film are struggling with their pursuit of authenticity of both their creative works and themselves. In one brutally honest...
A little over halfway through 2022, the year in movies has already been intriguing, withone of the best-reviewed releasesso far topping the box office. That would be “Top Gun: Maverick.” But if you’ve already seen it and want to catch up on other strong films, I asked The Times’...
The One Hundred: Directed by Chalit Krileadmongkon, Pakphum Wongjinda. With Chanya McClory, Mike Angelo, Benjamin Joseph Varney, Kulteera Yordchang. A young woman quarantines in a hotel after returning from abroad. There she encounters a shape-shifting m
BBDOCanadaToronto 也收获了一个精彩的夜晚,被评为 2023 The One Show Agency of the Year 年度最佳代理商,凭借与TA2 Sound + MusicToronto 合作的为Muskrat Magazine所作的作品“Missing Matoaka”,赢得了两项最佳类别奖(Experiential & Immersive 体验和沉浸式类以及 Radio & Audio 广播音频类),并获得了 9 支金...
片名想见你上映时间2022年12月24日(内地)导演 黄天仁 又名想见你电影版 Someday or One Day: The... 编剧 簡奇峯张冰玉 主演 柯佳嬿许光汉施柏宇金世佳 剧情 27岁的黄雨萱一觉醒来发现相恋多年的爱人李子维已经在4年前去世了,一卷神秘的卡带让她拥有了特......