The Oncology Nursing Society: commitment and activities promoting cancer pain relief.FATIGUECHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROMEPSYCHIATRIC DIAGNOSESSOMATIZATIONHEALTH CARE UTILIZATIONThe primary mission of the ONS is promot ing excellence in oncology nursing. In its efforts to accomplish this mission, the undertreatment...
Oncology Nursing Society Workforce Survey Part I: Perceptions of the Nursing Workforce Environment and Adequacy of Nurse Staffing in Outpatient and Inpatie... Examines the shortages in oncology registered nurses (RN) and its impact on the quality of care provided in hospitals in the U.S. ...
(the Oncology Nursing Society,ONS)、 美国精神护理协会( the American Psychiatric Nurses Association ,APNA)、美国眼科注册护士协会(the American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses,ASORN)等近百个护理类协会组织,几乎涵盖了目前国内现有的护理专科及亚专科领域;鉴于国外专科护理的领域更加成熟和细化,其主要...
prove Your Practice Get the Latest Oncology Nursing News and Information to Improve Your PracticeGet the Latest Oncology Nursing News and Information to Improve Your PracticeThe article reviews the mobile website related to Oncology Nursing Society, located at the
Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing (APJON)是亚洲肿瘤护理学会(Asian Oncology Nursing Society, AONS)官方期刊,AO月刊,由Elsevier出版发行。出版内容涉及与肿瘤护理预防,筛查和早期检测,老年和儿科护理,肿瘤内科与外科学,门诊护理,营养支持,癌症相关的心理社会问题和支持,癌症症状的管理以及不同类型的癌症治疗引起...
SummarybrAim: This qualitative research which was conducted among nurses (2010), aimed at analyzing the role of the lived experience of the Healthcare Professional's Caring Time (HPCT) when announcing a cancer in an oncology service; this was in order to understand the importance of the ...
出版者:Oncology Nursing Society 作者:Camp-Sorrell, Dawn (EDT)/ Hawkins, Rebecca A. (EDT) 出品人: 页数:1242 译者: 出版时间: 价格:$ 146.90 装帧:Pap isbn号码:9781890504601 丛书系列: 图书标签: Clinical Manual for the Oncology Advanced Practice Nurse 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 ...
期刊名称:《European journal of oncology nursing: the official journal of European Oncology Nursing Society》 | 2016年第null期 关键词: Cancer patients; Fatigue; Perception; Q methodology; 9.The maintenance of totally implanted venous access device: When the difference is made by the nursing pract...
Because of the complexity of oncology clinical trials and the needs of patients with cancer, nurses play a crucial and unique role in the trial setting. However, great variability exists in how the role of the nurse on a research team is defined and implemented. An Oncology Nursing Society ...
a在美国的SCI护理杂志,比如oncology nursing forum、american journal of critical care上发表文章的经验。 In US's SCI nursing magazine, for instance oncology nursing forum, on american journal of critical care publishes the article experience.[translate]...