I saw this sitcom, working title:Can You Show Me the Way to Oldham?. That was the first laugh: Oldham sounds a bit like “hold ’em” doesn’t it, very very funny, well done BBC, well worth sixty five quid a year license money I don’t think. I watched ’em all, Benny Hill…...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook termtime (ˈtɜːmtaɪm) n the period during which a school, college, etc, is in session(as modifier) Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 20...
5.belonging to times long ago.old civilizations like that of Greece.antiguo old age the later part of a person's life.He wrote most of his poems in his old age.vejez old boy/girl a former pupil (of a school).The new prime minister is an old boy of our school.ex alumno; ex alumn...
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The event has changed in many surprising and meaningful ways since 1987, but at its core, SXSW remains a tool for creative people to develop their careers..
This is not the first time this has happened in the Oldham Times. In 2018 Nick Jackson made exactly the same mistake: The headline is outrageous and the comment about ‘slaughter’ clearly stands out as vile and false opinion being presented as fact. But the problems run much deeper than ...
but by the third page some dummy will drag poor Rudy Wright or Ed Searcy into it and another dope’ll chime in with don’t forget Paul Berwanger until finally some drooling geriatric mentions a random golem like Archie Oldham and the whole thread collapses under the weight of its own ab...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Capricornus Dictionary Thesaurus Medical Wikipedia Related to Capricornus:Aquarius Capricornus (kap-ră-kor-nŭs)(Sea Goat) A zodiac constellation in the southern hemisphere near Sagittarius, the brightest stars being of 3rd magnitude. Alpha (α) Capricorni is a nak...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook time-server Thesaurus time·serv·er alsotime-serv·er(tīm′sûr′vər) n. One who conforms to the prevailing ways and opinions of one's time or condition for personal advantage; an opportunist.
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Related to Ardurous:arduously Ar´du`rous a.1.Burning; ardent. Lo! further on, Where flames thearduousSpirit of Isidore. - Cary. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co. ...