. . Morwood, M. J. (2016). Age and context of the oldest known hominin fossils from Flores. Nature, 534, 249-255.Brumm, A. et al. Age and context of the oldest known hominin fossils from Flores. Nature 534, 249-253 (2016)....
Define Oldowan. Oldowan synonyms, Oldowan pronunciation, Oldowan translation, English dictionary definition of Oldowan. adj. Of or relating to an early stage of African Paleolithic tool culture characterized by choppers and bifacial chopping tools. Ameri
The north African site of Jebel Irhoud contains one of the earliest directly dated Middle Stone Age assemblages, and its associated human remains are the oldest reported for H. sapiens. The emergence of our species and of the Middle Stone Age appear to be close in time, and these data ...
All 14 of the Plio-Pleistocene hominin fossils examined here share a similar pattern of shape differences from equivalently-sized modern humans, though they vary in the extent to which these differences are expressed. The oldest specimen in the sample (KNM-KP 271; Australopithecus anamensis) ...
Space-time breakthroughs. Virgin births. A promising candidate for alien life. Science didn’t disappoint during our latest revolution around the sun.
What are the oldest Homo sapiens known for? What is Homo sapiens sapiens? What hominid evolved from Homo heidelbergensis in Africa? How many species of hominids were there? What is the scientific name for apes? What were the first people called? What is the scientific name for the humans ...
Dubbed Homo luzonensis, the species is one of the most important finds that will be out in the coming years, one scientist predicts.
"It's not our intention to prove Chinese civilization is the oldest. Rather, we face up to our authentic history and are longing to explore what we have created and contributed to humankind and what we have learned from others. We ...
“gender identity,” wherein one side claims there is only one correct position to hold, and that all others who question them – not even oppose, but just have questions – are bigots or ___ (insert thead homininattack of the moment). Ironically, that tactic, which used to be the pr...
Africa is home to the origins of humanity, in both early hominin evolution and the beginnings of cultural modernity: Speleothems from palaeoanthropological and archaeological sites, preserving remains and artefacts of early hominins, as well as modern humans, have been used for dating and the reconst...