They miss assignments, which means I missed the assignment and now somehow I feel like I’m thrown back to 6th grade and forgetting to hand in something because I/they/we missed it in the melée of Fresh Grade, Emails, Google Class, Zoom… I mean, I’m pretty sure I’m going to ac...
According to, women 18-34 experience significantly higher rates of physical and sexual violence than women in older age groups. As you can imagine, over time, the controlling behaviour increased and gradually, violence accompanied it. Image courtesy of He ...
The landline makes him feel older than anything else. Down the hall the magnetic tape in the answering machine spins and a voice lays itself across it. How can a phone be nowhere? How the hell do you answer a phone that’s nowhere? Suppose you don’t. Suppose instead you watch the ...
I am clearly not as emotionally nostalgic aboutEverQuest IIas I am about its older sibling… I think I have written twice as many anniversary posts about it… but I am much more likely to go back and playEQIIthanEQwhen it comes down to it. One of the interesting things about thePanda,...
This would have made sense to some of the older people in this chat as knee slapping used to be a sign of hilarity. However, in this digital age in common and many of today’s youth may not understand the reference. I therefore made my message more understandable to younger people ...
The World of Gacha is in danger... APRIL FOOLS! It's actually in danger from memes! Enter Meme Gacha and start Gacha'ing for memes today! There are over 200 me…
I recently downloaded this app, and it’s great for someone my age or older. I love how easy it is to make memes. You can make them public so everyone can see them and get lots of likes and followers. It’s fun and easy, really an awesome app. ...
I never knew Richard Strauss wrote operas. Again I digress. I had happened to tap into the discussion between scenes where the announcer and other guests talk about opera, the opera itself, and the actions to come. It wasn’t the operaper sethat caught my attention – it was their enthus...
They're made by professionals using time-tested methods so they (usually) don't give you food poisoning, and they don't get you high, but still: raw fermented meat, right in my sandwich. What does “get it twisted” mean? "Get it twisted" is a, well, twist on the o...
But could their fate be turning when older brother Jimmy (Tatum) concocts a convoluted scheme to steal millions from a bustling race speedway during their biggest event of the year? Younger, one-armed brother Clyde (Driver) will be his right-hand man. Their spunky hair-stylist sister Mellie ...