《The old man and the sea》 “He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish.” 开篇即奠定了基调:对于一个老人来说,没有什么比孤独更可怕;对于一个渔夫来说,长时间捕不到鱼意为着失去经济来源,生活将陷入窘迫与...
One possible version:Book Review on The Old Man and the SeaA man is not made for defeat. A man can bedestroyed but not defeated.” These sentences are sofamiliar to us. It was actually spoken by Santiago, thehero of The Old Man and the Sea. When I first read thebook, I was shock...
Bookreview ofThe Old Man And The Sea Thefamous novel--The Old Man And The Seais a book that I have always wanted to read in my high school.It tells a story about an old, experiencedfisherman named Santiago who hadgoneeighty-four days without taking a fishand was considered "salao", ...
It was a battle between the old man and the sea.On the sea,there are storms and waves.Besides,on the sea,there are fishes and beautiful views.The sea is a platform provides opportunities and challenges.Maybe nothing will be got at first,the chance is still there.So while we faced barrie...
“The Old Man and The Sea”was written byErnest Hemingway, in which tells us a story of a bravery fishing old man. He had no fish lasting for 84 days, but from the 85thdays he finally captured a marlin. However, the marlin was so big that the old man struggles with it for three...
第一篇:《TheOldManandtheSea》英文读后感 TheOldManandtheSeawaswrittenbyanAmericanwriter namedErnestHemingway.Ithasbeentranslatedintotensof languages,andthewriterwassoproudofhiswork.Santiago,the heroofthestory,hadgoneeighty-fourdayswithouttakingafish ...
老人与海读后感 英文版(The Old Man and the Sea) .pdf,Impression of “The Old Man and the Sea” When I was a middle school student, I’ve finished this book in Chinese.But when I read it in English,I really gain something new both in the way of expression
Review of "The old man and The sea" Written by This story is talking about a bad luck for a elderly man.It is a the indomitable fishing story. He was an old man named Santiago who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone eight-four days without taking a fish....
书实在是太精彩、太揪心,一场出海,仿佛描绘了一个人一生的遭遇——华丽的高潮、激动的成就、无尽的孤独、身体的疼痛、一场空的遗憾……书里面有the old man朴素的哲学思辨,那或许正是海明威自己。以下书摘,感激生命,看到这么棒的小说。Perhaps I should not have been a fisherman, he thought. But that was ...